I was told by every doctor I came in contact with, and there were many, that I would die if I DID NOT get that shot.
I knew better. They were wrong, and I was right
Amen. That I assume ( as in my case) was the “ gift of Discernment”. I can tell you many stories of those that “ ran to God” ( prayed about taking the MRNA jab) instead of listening to the “ science” were gifted with a large dose of Discernment.
A lesson to be learned.
I believe in modern medicine and science in general. But a) they both can be wrong and b) I can smell a rat when it shows up.
It ranks up there as one of the biggest boondoggles our feeble leaders have ever made!
My "rat" meter went off the scale with the hype and reaction to COVID.
Maybe God gave me a gift :-).
As one of the best presidents in my lifetime said, "Trust but verify."