Janet Reno and the whole crooked crew were incompetent,I remember reading terrific reporting about the lead up to all this exposing some causes,I wish I could remember the woman reporters name!
She exposed it was justice departments policy that FBI could not share investigative information with CIA,FBI is domestic,CIA international,even though they were sitting right next to each other!
Information on Arabic men taking flying lessons at flight schools but only wanted to learn how to fly,but not land,instructors brought that info to Justice dept and Janet Reno proclaimed,you want me to be accused of being predjudiced against Arabic people wanting flight lessons!
Nothing was done,they turned out to be the hijackers.
I believe the woman reporters first name was Heather cant for the life of me remember last name she did OUTSTANDING coverage of all the governmental screwups because of political correctness.
Reno was as incompetent as they come, her actions caused loss of lives at every turn, shameful, but that's what you get when you put incompetent people in important roles.