I'll see your BS and raise you one horseshit. For you to say this, you either spend very little time on this forum, or live in fantasyland.
Which is it?
I have to laugh when know-it-alls like you seem to be call folks like me 'Never Trumpers'. Seeing as I voted for the man twice, and have publicly stated numerous times I would again, that takes your 'Never Trumper' crap and puts it in the trash can, as well as discredits anything else you have to say.
Maybe you are a neverTrumper, maybe you’re not.
But all the neverTrumpers here say the same thing - that they voted for him twice and would again - but then in the same breath they trash him at every opportunity - calling him “his own worst enemy” or some such BS - and calling his true supporters fools or worshippers.
If you are a Trump supporter, support him - it’s that simple.