I have lived a long time. Tucker Carlson has admitted openly in a recent interview, that he is truly ashamed of himself for his believing the mainstream media during the years of “weapons of mass destruction” narrative shoved down our throats during the Iraq invasion fiasco. I too, believed it, and I also share Tucker’s self confessed guilt. I have always been for the most part a free thinker. It goes all the way back to my first experiences at the Greek orthodox church when I was five or six years old. I used to sit in the pew thinking how much I would be rather be anyplace else rather than sitting in a wooden pew, forced to stand and sit upon commands from the robe wearing, fake gold bauble encrusted old guy leading his flock. My innate dislike for religion was not something programmed into me by my parents, as both of them were, for the most part, free thinkers. Aside from swallowing the cold war nonsense jammed into their brains by the blossoming military industrial complex, they were for the most part, two educated people who had a knowledge of history and a sense of self awareness. Today, 67 years after my birth, I am witnessing the overturning of these two fundamental ingredients that are necessary to sustaining a free republic. Knowledge of history has been replaced with a blind obedience to pop culture, and the sense of self that has been replaced by the sense of government. The following video explains the expected results of our up is down, right is left, and good is evil state of being we are now all expected to not notice or rebel against.
The emperor clearly has no cloths, and unlike the kid in the fable, saying so will now land you in jail.
There was no link!