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To: Blueflag
Personnel choices were the Achilles heel of his administration, in my opinion.

I agree strongly with that assessment. I support trump strongly because I fundamentally agree with a lot, if not most of his actual policies and positions. I think these policies were undermined greatly by some of the people he appointed, but by no means all. Personally, I think it is way premature for him to be saying anything negative about DeSantis, who I also like. I think they complement each other from an actual policy standpoint. I'd like to see that more emphasized. That's not going to happen though, given the nature of the press as it exists in this former republic. They simply are not going to report widely on kittens and hugs.

For '24, I support Trump, DeSantis and Paul, though not necessarily in that order. Any of the 3 would be really strong America First candidates. Lake needs some time in the saddle before more is done with her IMO, even as vice.

Personally, I'm not going to take any personality issues between the candidates seriously at this point. I'd like to see them working in concert, but understand why that may not work for them.

160 posted on 11/07/2022 11:27:02 AM PST by zeugma (Stop deluding yourself that America is still a free country.)
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To: zeugma

I like desantis...
I however suspect that he will eventually reveal that he is only partly maga... and at some level, he is beholden to the RINO establishment...

a slightly more maga leaning form of the pre 2020 election debacle named Mike Pence.

161 posted on 11/07/2022 11:32:27 AM PST by MIA_eccl1212 (When the bad guys have leverage they use it)
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