“these were the guys who banned maypoles. They banned football. They tried to ban celebrating Christmas. Eventually pretty much everybody had had it with these fanatical intolerant killjoys”
Gosh, how terrible. I agree...Killjoys.
But you know, being the descendant of Huguenots, Anabaptist Dunkards, and yes, Anglicans who came here from 1607 to 1743, we remember the Albigensian massacres, the Inquisition, the St. Bartholomews Day Massacre, Matanzas, the Thirty Years War, the list is rather endless...Catholic murders of tens of thousands of “heretics” who simply didn’t agree with some jerk who lives in Italy and wanted to control Europe and the World from his little redoubt.
We started a nice country, it got rather successful using the concepts of independence, religious plurality (something the Catholic “church” still cannot countenance) and government by an elected group of officials, NOT a King picked by again, that guy in Italy. You know...”Divine Right of Kings” and all that, consecrated by El Papa, who currently is just another Hispanic Hegemonist trying to make everyone knuckle under to him and his Conquistador buddies.
Cromwell’s original Instrument of Governance was the first written Constitution of Britain, and is a beginning point for the US Constitution.
Contrary to modern Catholic revisionist history, the United States were not created to restore the Roman Church to primacy. Quite the opposite.
PS - Thanks for the Kennedy’s and the Biden’s! Whatta great contribution to egalitarian government! A sex crazed family of baby faced thugs and a dissolute, decrepit husk!
I'm not here to defend all the horrible things Catholics ever did. The point is that they were a religious minority and Cromwell and the Roundheads were not ones to recognize individual liberty or to practice religious or any other kind of tolerance. Cromwell was a tyrant backed by Puritan fanatics. If you were anything other than a strict Puritan, England was a place to get the hell out of during the Protectorate. Some "constitution" the Protectorate had. Tell that to the Irish...or the Welsh...or the Scots....or anybody in England who was not a Puritan....or god forbid, anybody who wanted to actually derive any joy from life.