You support Russia’s invasion of Ukraine because you are a Putin Stooge.
Or as President Trump would say: PUTIN STOOGE!
I don’t and never have supported Putin or Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, ever. So get your facts straight, kkthx!
However, I DON’T support the incessant propaganda that the Western, EU, NATO, and US Neocon-controlled media propaganda that gets repeatedly and willfully posted on this site. Period.
For years the U.S has spent more preparing to defend the EU than EU countries have. EU countries support their own destruction by buying energy from Russia all the while sucking from the teat of the American Taxpayer for their defense. Putin uses the money E.U. countries spend on Russian energy to fund his invasion forces.
I’m not for spending trillions of U.S. dollars with ZERO oversite defending the Ukraine. Does that make me a PUTIN STOOGE ?