So what is the procedure for this in Canadian law? Is there a procedure to remove a sitting Prime Minister?
Parliament can have a no-confidence vote, but most are probably from his party If even they would join in the no-confidence vote, a general election would have to be held.
The Governor-general can remove any minister, including the PM, but the backlash was so severe the last time this occurred, that it hasn’t been used since.
So what is the procedure for this in Canadian law? Is there a procedure to remove a sitting Prime Minister?
Parliament votes “no confidence.” this starts a chain reaction. The no confidence can occur due to pressure for each of the members of parliament and how they see the political wind blowing. The opposition would always or almost always vote no just to try to get a new election. The members who are favorable to justin castro will test their own political constituents and if it starts to look bad politically for them will vote no confidence and then that is the end of justin castro.
The last time a Governor General in a Westminster system removed a sitting PM was in Australia, in, I believe, 1975.
It caused a major constitutional crisis, which ended up with people saying it could never happen again.
The ability of the Governor General of Canada (or, I suppose, the Queen) to remove the PM exists in theory only.
There isn’t one.