To: #1CTYankee; 12Gauge687; 14erClimb; 21twelve; 1raider1; 2nd Bn, 11th Mar; 3D-JOY; 43north; ...
To: John Semmens
Biden is currently very busy reviewing photographs of the potential candidates’ children and grandchildren.
3 posted on
01/29/2022 12:58:11 AM PST by
To: John Semmens
How about someone who’s also transexual and transracial?
It’d be the perfect show to have a white guy “identify” as a black woman go through the hearings.
5 posted on
01/29/2022 2:27:54 AM PST by
To: John Semmens
Its been reported that Aunt Jemimah was polishing up her CV...
6 posted on
01/29/2022 2:55:50 AM PST by
(Proud member of the FJBLGB community: /s is implied where applicable.)
To: John Semmens
I present as a black woman. Maybe I’ll put my name in.
7 posted on
01/29/2022 5:40:36 AM PST by
("I will not be reconstructed, and I do not give a damn.")
To: John Semmens
When the ‘RATs talked about expanding the SCOTUS, I didn’t think they meant expanding it by adding three thousand pound “judges” two it.
8 posted on
01/29/2022 6:33:59 AM PST by
(You can vote your way into socialism but you have to shoot your way out of it.)
To: John Semmens
Is he just trying to atone for being a racist the whole time he was in Congress?
9 posted on
01/29/2022 6:38:36 AM PST by
(somRead more at: https://economicti Astronomers see white dwarf 'switch on and off' for first time)
To: John Semmens
I see that Mazie Hirono has accepted the honor after Joe Biden of being the dumbest Senator in Congress.
10 posted on
01/29/2022 6:49:24 AM PST by
(Fauci is a despicable little turd)
To: John Semmens
I think he should appoint Mayor Lightfoot from Chicago.
She fits a number of criteria: Black, Lesbian, Woman, Hates White people, has no regard for the law.
11 posted on
01/29/2022 7:30:41 AM PST by
( Reporting live from the far North)
To: John Semmens
CNN's "Democracy in Peril" host Jim Acosta charged that "Virginia's new Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin is turning the state into a Soviet-Style police state." As evidence, he cited "the Governor's bizarre notion that parents ought to have a say in what their children are taught in the public schools. The whole point of public school is to liberate children from the domination of their parents." Satire or Acosta's internal hot mic?
Thanks, John, for another fine nuanced documentary into what the left likely means and thinks.
12 posted on
01/29/2022 9:33:04 AM PST by
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