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To: jstolzen

responding to: “Go do your own queries. Quit believing memes you read on the Internet and do some actual research.”

I just did a quick search. My first observation is that VAERS is multi-national - not just the USA. So, the 1,000,000+ serious adverse events is NOT referencing the USA only. Accordingly, I did several example searches showing both USA and Total for reference.

Selecting for All serious outcomes (all countries) resulted in over 1,000,000 events:
“This request produces 1,000,231 rows, but 10,000 is the maximum allowed. Simplify this request, or send a series of smaller ones. For example, group results by race but limit each query to a single race. Send a request for each race group and then merge the results. Please contact user support for further assistance.”

It is a complex database that requires care in setting up the queries for sure. But, the numbers are very scary compared to any other treatment that is loosely called a “vaccine”.

All locations = ~21,000
USA/Territories = ~9,630

Life Threatening
All locations - 22,893
USA/Territories - 10,953

Hospitalization or Emergency Room Visit
All locations - 189,516
USA/Territories - 113,538

Permanent Disability
All locations - 35,652
USA/Territories - 11,257

All locations - 1,000,231
USA/Territories - 709,086

My conclusion - before throwing shade on the reporting of others, make sure you get your own facts straight to avoid becoming the meme you critique...


23 posted on 01/04/2022 8:06:53 PM PST by monkeypants (It's a Republic, if you can keep it.)
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To: monkeypants

I think I see what the issue is - if you group by Symptoms, you get the numbers I shared earlier.

If you group by Event Category, the numbers are what you provided below.

I did notice when first looking at VAERS (early last year, when we were concerned about risk of the vaccine) that a single VAERS id (record) can list a bunch of different adverse events. So, I’m not sure if the difference in search results is because of how the data is structured or what, but that probably explains the difference in what we’re seeing.

In hindsight, I should have been more measured in my response to the “1,000,000+” adverse events claim. It’s just that I have family members who have not gotten vaccinated and wound up in the hospital with COVID - partly because they believe a lot of the social media memes that are floating around, many of them which are either exaggerated or just flat out not true - and these memes are scaring people to the point where they don’t get vaccinated where they otherwise would have. (My personal favorite was the “Bill Gates put microchips in the vaccine”, which is of course ludicrous - just like the “Luciferian Enzyme” one. But it’s surprising how many out there believe stuff like that).

30 posted on 01/05/2022 5:38:15 AM PST by jstolzen
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