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To: null and void; aragorn; AZ .44 MAG; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; BusterDog; bgill; bitt; ...

Sorry for the delay, life happens (and naps).

Globalism / Great Reset -

Republicans are weighing whether to force a government shutdown if the next federal spending plan includes funding for COVID-19 vaccine mandates. The continuing resolution expires Feb. 18, and Republicans are circulating a letter vowing to pull support for funding the government, forcing a shutdown, Fox News reported Tuesday.
OBSERVATION - The CR is already in danger from general democrat disarray and Republican refusing further support of spending without budget controls. This will be fought by the globalist swamp.

Wuhan virus -

Following the USSC decision, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) on Tuesday withdrew its vaccine mandate on business larger than 100 employees. Expect OSHA to try to weasel another mandate via the standard regulatory methods and not “emergency” regulations.

Just 40% of fully vaccinated Americans have received a booster dose, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And the average number of booster shots dispensed per day in the U.S. has plummeted from a peak of 1 million in early December to about 490,000 as of last week. “It’s clear that the booster effort is falling short,” said Jason Schwartz, a vaccine policy expert at Yale University.

The former vice president of the World Health Organization’s European Advisory Group of experts in immunization; Professor Christian Perronne, yesterday said that all vaccinated people must quarantine over the winter months or risk serious illness. Perronne specializes in tropical pathologies and emerging infectious diseases. He was Chairman of the Specialized Committee on Communicable Diseases of the High Council of Public Health.
“Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous for others. It’s proven in Israel now – I’m in contact with many physicians in Israel – they’re having big problems, severe cases in the hospitals are among vaccinated people, and in UK also, you have the larger vaccination program and also there are problems.”
Israeli doctor Kobi Haviv told Channel 13 News:
“95 percent of seriously ill patients are vaccinated. Fully vaccinated people account for 85-90 percent of hospitalizations. We are opening more and more COVID branches. The effectiveness of vaccines is declining or disappearing.”
OBSERVATION - Israel is the canary in the mine. With the highest level of injections in the world, wuhan continues unabated and worsening.

Economy -

Fed announced no immediate rate changes, but looks to March for the first increase. Rate remains 0.25%

Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, the three major agricultural producers in South America, are currently experiencing a prolonged period of drought and low water levels in their main rivers. This is severely impacting harvests, as well as river transport of important summer crops, with maize (corn) and soybeans the main casualties.
OBSERVATION - This will rebound back to the US in the form of higher produce prices.

Invasion of Illegals -

Numerous accounts of illegals being dumped all over he country with no accountability or ability to corral them to send back.

Biden watch -

Biden said on Tuesday he would consider personal sanctions on President Vladimir Putin if Russia invades Ukraine. Direct U.S. sanctions on foreign leaders are rare but not unprecedented.

CW2/Domestic violence -

The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) has announced plans to provide its law enforcement branch with expanded access to its vast trove of customer data, raising concerns among privacy activists about the organization’s expanding surveillance powers.
The USPS came under scrutiny in 2021 when it was revealed that its law enforcement arm, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS), was monitoring both left- and right-wing protest groups on social media. Multiple nonprofit organizations sued the USPS, seeking internal records about its surveillance program and questioning the legality of such activities.
Those lawsuits haven’t stopped the Postal Service from seeking additional surveillance powers. On Dec. 17, 2021, the USPS announced that it intended to provide customer data to USPIS investigators.
OBSERVATION - As noted when this first came out that this was a biden end around of constitutional surveillance laws. Now these obscure govt agencies are weaponizing against citizens.

Pelosi’s Capitol Police is secretly gathering “intelligence” on Hill staffers and American citizens who meet with lawmakers according to Politico. Pelosi’s police are scrutinizing social media accounts of innocent people. “Whatever they think that sounds like for security, it sounds dangerously close — if not already over the line — to spying on members of Congress, their staff, their constituents and their supporters,” Rep. Kelly Armstrong, a former criminal defense attorney told Politico.
“Anybody involved with implementing this without making it known to the actual members of Congress should resign or be fired immediately,” he added. “And I’m not big on calling for resignations.”
OBSERVATIONS - USPS and now the Cap Police are just the tip of the iceberg of govt monitoring of citizens at a level unthinkable just a few years ago (when it was considered conspiracy theory).

San Jose voted Tuesday night to require gun owners to carry liability insurance in what’s believed to be the first measure of its kind in the United States. The council also voted to require thousands of gun owners in the city to pay a small fee, which would be used for firearm safety education and services such as domestic violence prevention and mental health services.
OBSERVATION - Can you believe criminals will follow this . . . . .


The 29th House democrat has announced retirement. This outflow indicates that the democrats are expecting a drubbing in the midterms and to preserve their pensions, endangered reps are retiring rather than being voted out, like rats escaping a sinking ship.

Domestic Terror -

Domestic violent extremists and racially motivated extremists have been developing plans to attack the U.S. electric sector, according to an intelligence bulletin from the Department of Homeland Security that was issued this week and obtained by The Daily Beast.
“DVEs have developed credible, specific plans to attack electricity infrastructure since at least 2020, identifying the electric grid as a particularly attractive target given its interdependency with other infrastructure sectors,” the alert said.
DHS’ Office of Intelligence and Analysis issued the alert to the electric sector Monday, following requests from power companies to take stock of increased threats from domestic violent extremists in 2020 and 2021.
OBSERVATION - Focus on the right, ignoring the left who have attacked infrastructure in the pasts - particularl ecoterrorists. Could also serve as a false flag to aggressively go after the right.

Strategic Activity / Deployments -


Warning orders for about 8,500 troops to make ready for deployment to Europe to counter Russian build ups. Exact units not specifically identified yet however are not believed to be elements of 82d and 101st according to U.S. defense officials.
OBSERVATION - These are light units with no heavy armor. In some ways symbolic, but capable of some defensive operators when backed by air support.

Apart from today’s Kearsarge announcement, still no statement regarding the deployment of other naval vessels from the US. USNI News still shows nothing in US. Only units depicted are those in the vicinity of the Japan Sea. Those include four carrier CSG, all other carriers have dropped off the map as well.
See link below to USNI map as of Jan 24, 2022

US F-15s have landed at Amari Air Base, Estonia and Danish F-16s will arrive at Siauliai Air Base, Lithuania tomorrow to bolster the forces already deployed under the long established NATO Air Policing mission.

China -

The U.S. is weighing whether to authorize departures for American diplomats and their families in #China who wish to leave due to the U.S. government’s inability to prevent Chinese authorities from subjecting them to intrusive COVID19 control measures (ie anal swabs are back).

Russia -

INCREASED WARNING ONGOING - OSINT and other analysts are noting the continued build up of military assets that go far beyond those necessary for a military ‘exercise’. Putin has seriously deployed for combat and can execute several options at any moment. Current indicators are that Russia is more inclined to launch a full scale attack against the Ukraine with the purpose of overthrowing the government.

Russia has deployed elements of 10 army groups and an army corps near Ukraine (probably 70+ BTGs). Of those, only 3 CAAs are permanently stationed to cover Russia’s south-western borders. The increase is therefore substantial in terms of size and capabilities, but also broad in terms of the territory covered.

Russian deployments indicate the capability to launch an offensive against Ukraine along 7 fronts: from the Union State of Russia and Belarus, from the Russian Federation, from Russian-occupied Donbas, from the Sea of Azov, from Russian-occupied Crimea, from the Black Sea, from Russian-occupied Moldova.


Russian Black Sea fleet launched exercise with more than 20 vessels.

S-300V-series air defense/ballistic missile defense systems are reportedly in Bryansk near the border with Ukraine. These would be used to defend against Ukrainian Tochka-U tactical ballistic missiles.
OBSERVATION - This is an example of the extent of russian’s military build up, indicating that they are setting up the capabability for a large scale invasion of Ukraine.

The Western and Southern Military Districts announced combat readiness inspections, which will include raising units to an alert status and moving them to training ranges, and will end this week. This includes the Black Sea Fleet and Caspian Flotilla. The Southern Military District is deploying 20 field command posts as part of the check, and Su-27SM, Su-30SM2, and Su-34 squadrons will rehearsed flying to different airfields.
Observers noting that this activity activity from all of Russia’s major regional commands are a significant precursor to war and Russia’s preparations are entering a new stage. “Russia also appears to be activating some troops and may be beginning to move aircraft and ground-support crews to operational air bases.”
OBSERVATION - I’ve noted that extended periods of deployment tend to reduce operational readiness \. Exercises like this work to sharpen the sword again and suggest that military action is soon to follow.

The Biden admin delivered to Russia a written response to concerns Moscow has publicly released & US proposals on a path forward , but the response is unlikely to characterize the likelihood of Ukraine joining NATO in the short term.

Ukraine -

WEATHER FORECAST - Temperatures forecast to be around freezing and snow for most of the next two weeks. This will thaw out some of soils and inhibit some armored movement. But at this stage, thawing will be limited and not a show stopper.

India now recommends that its citizens In Ukraine register on the resource of the diplomatic mission in order to receive timely information about a possible evacuation.
New security alert from US Embassy in Ukraine, effectively urging Americans to leave while there’s still time. “The U.S. Embassy urges U.S. citizens in Ukraine to consider departing now using commercial or other privately available transportation options”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, in a televised address, urged his compatriots to stay calm, as Western leaders stepped up preparations for any Russian military action in Ukraine. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said earlier today that depending on the content of this response, which he said is “expected this week,” Russian officials will prepare “proposals for the president [Putin] regarding our next steps.

US Dep Sec of State Sherman “we certainly see every indication that he [Putin] is going to use military force sometime [in Ukraine], perhaps between between now and middle of February”

The official website of Ukraine “” was targeted in cyberattack last night - Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Belarus -

Russia deploys Su-35 fighter jets to Belarus.

US warns Belarus of ‘decisive’ response if assists Russian invasion of Ukraine

Europe / NATO General -

Finland has enhanced its military readiness as international tensions rise over Russia’s military build-up near Ukraine.

Italy’s defence minister said the country stands by the NATO side in its support of Ukraine. Several Italian MPs and the committee of intelligence criticized the meeting of Italian enterprises with Putin, said foreign ministry was not notified about it

Iran -

With talks to restore the 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran reaching a critical phase, differences have emerged in the U.S. negotiating team over how tough to be with Tehran and when to walk away, according to people familiar with the negotiations. U.S. officials confirmed over the weekend that Richard Nephew, the deputy special envoy for Iran, has left the team. Mr. Nephew, an architect of previous economic sanctions on Iran, had advocated a tougher posture in the current negotiations. Two other members of the team, which is led by State Department veteran Robert Malley, have stepped back from the talks, the people familiar said, because they also wanted a harder negotiating stance.

OBSERVATION - biden administration trending to give Iran what ever it wants with no sanctions or punishment for violations. Iran knew biden was weak, this is reinforcing it, making it even more dangerous in the region.

The Shia rebel ground offensive in central Yemen (Marib Province) is over with the rebels retreating when attacked, and the government forces are doing a lot of attacking supported, by airstrikes and artillery fire. These airborne surveillance and attack operations were much heavier in central Yemen, where the Shia offensive continued for so long. The heavy Shia casualties became an issue, but Iran insisted the offensive continue to make the most of continued use of missiles and armed UAVs on targets in Saudi Arabia and now the UAE (United Arab Emirates). The missile and AUV attacks on Saudi Arabia were supposed to help but didn’t. Iran smuggled in more ballistic missile and UAV components, at great expense, carried on some attacks against the UAE itself, and demanded that the UAE stop fighting the Shia rebels in Yemen. That did not work. Although the UAE will take losses from a decline in tourism activity because of the Iranian attacks, they know that once you obey one Iranian demand, there will be more. Iran wants to control all of the Arabia Peninsula and especially the pilgrim city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. (Strategy Page)

Syria -

Kurdish forces have recaptured the prison following the mass surrender of ISIS militants and prisoners of Ghweran prison in Hasaka, northern Syria

53 posted on 01/26/2022 12:27:44 PM PST by Godzilla (Never give up, never surrender . . . . . .)
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To: null and void; aragorn; AZ .44 MAG; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; BusterDog; bgill; bitt; ...

Amazing how quickly things move on a daily basis. Can’t stand down for a day.

Threat Trending Code Color Key -

BLACK - An area worth noting, but not immediately impacting on US safety
BLUE - Incidents increasing and needing further monitoring, low threat to the US
YELLOW - This is the moderate concern level. Definitely becoming a threat but in the longer term.
ORANGE - A definite threat in both short term and long term. Some active events occurring
RED - Active and ongoing. Examples of this would be 2020 rioting, etc.


Globalism / Great Reset - YELLOW trending upward *unchanged*
DISCUSSION - Increasing push back on wuhan tyrannical mandates threatening GGR suspected timelines. Still, GGR puppets (PM’s, governors etc) are doubling and tripling down - see Kalifornia for one instance.

Massive protest brewing in Ottawa Canada this weekend as tens of thousands (50,000+) of truckers and upwards of a million or more protestors pour into the city to oppose the current national mandates. 50,000 truckers alone (convoy stretches over 40 miles) Trudeau reportedly has gone into hiding. Canada has turned uber oppressive, even denying the unjabbed the ability to go into a Walmart with out a special escort to make sure they only buy food and/or medicine. There are reports of other convoys being put together to go into the US. It is estimated that about 20% of Canadian truckers are unjabbed.
The anti-vaccine mandate trucker convoy launched last week in response to Trudeau ordering American and Canadian drivers to be fully vaccinated to cross Canada’s border by January 22. The Canadian Trucking Alliance and the American Trucking Associations said Trudeau’s order would sideline up to 26,000 of the 160,000 drivers on the road in the middle of winter and amid unprecedented supply chain breakdowns.
OBSERVATION - Protests are also ongoing world wide, but are generally suppressed by the MSM.

Wuhan virus - YELLOW *last updated 12-10-21*
DISCUSSION - OMICRON fear porn continues to dominate the MSM. Now there is a Son of Omicron to fear.

The Son of Omicron has appeared just as the fear porn factor of its ‘father’ has wore out. This new Omicron is labeled BA.2. Public health officials say it’s too early to predict what BA.2 might mean for the course of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Like Omicron, BA.2 contains numerous mutations, according to researchers at the Massachusetts Consortium on Pathogen Readiness, a collaboration of academic researchers from different institutes in the Boston area who monitor genetic changes in SARS-CoV-2. About 20 mutations have been located in the antibody-binding regions that vaccines target. BA.2 also contains some mutations not found in BA.1, but scientists aren’t sure yet what those changes mean.

A new study released on Tuesday by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) revealed the development of myocarditis and pericarditis after mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination. It is highest in adolescent males and young men.
The study was based on the data from VAERS on reported cases of myocarditis that occurred after receiving the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine between December 2020 and August 2021 in 192, 405 ,448 individuals older than 12 years of age in the US. These data were processed by VAERS as of September 30, 2021.
The primary outcome after vaccination was myocarditis and the secondary outcome was pericarditis.
OBSERVATION - Under normal conditions, this would shut these “vaccines” down immediately, but then it isn’t about the disease but power.

In a Thursday press release, Sweden’s Public Health Agency said that the medical benefit of the vaccine for those aged 5-11 years-old is “currently small,” and that while the benefits are “constantly” under assessment, they will have decided against a general recommendation for children under the age of 1ans 2 for spring 2022, according to Reuters.
The Swedish government currently recommends vaccination for children over the age of 12, as well as for high-risk children between the ages of 5-11.

RUMINT - There are some saying that the F35 pilot that crashed on the USS Vinson had received is booster jab the previous day and was complaining of chest pain on landing approach.

Economy - ORANGE trending upward *unchanged*
DISCUSSION - Maintaining color code pending first Fed rate increase. Increasing threat of deep recession / depression as the Fed tries to control inflation.

A report from the Bureau of Economic Analysis states that -
“Personal income increased $70.7 billion (0.3 percent) in December according to estimates released today by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Disposable personal income (DPI) increased $39.9 billion (0.2 percent) and personal consumption expenditures (PCE) decreased $95.2 billion (0.6 percent).
Real DPI decreased 0.2 percent in December and Real PCE decreased 1.0 percent; goods decreased 3.1 percent and services increased 0.1 percent. The PCE price index increased 0.4 percent. Excluding food and energy, the PCE price index increased 0.5 percent.
OBSERVATION - We already knew this, inflation has outstripped any increased wages. This just serves to quantify it.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.told the Associated Press Thursday that the Biden administration is preparing to roll out a new “safe system” plan designed to decrease traffic fatalities nationwide. Components of the “safe system plan” include increased use of traffic cameras, regulations mandating automatic emergency braking in all new passenger vehicles, lower speed limits, creation of many more dedicated bike and bus lanes, and requiring automakers to install anti-drunk driving technology in all motor vehicles.
OBSERVATION - Shadows of Carter’s 55 mph requirements as well as efforts to get cars off the road.

Pending home sales defied predictions of a rebound at year-end, falling by 3.9 percent compared with a downwardly revised November estimate, data from the National Association of Realtors showed Thursday. The downturn largely reflects an extremely low supply of homes for sale according to experts.
OBSERVATION - Some are speculating that the housing bubble is beginning to deflate.

Invasion of Illegals - ORANGE trending upward *unchanged*
DISCUSSION - Illegals continue to push across the border with record numbers of intercepts

More revelations on the covert operations to transport illegals by contracted aircraft throughout the country. Some estimates of nearly 300,000 have been relocated. Reports of secret, late-night drop-offs at small airports around the country have been bouncing around, but the latest is a video obtained Tucker Carlson Tonight, contractors and law enforcement in Westchester, NY, discussed the situation and why it’s all being kept on “the down low.”

Figures disclosed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) show that the Biden administration dispersed 273,396 illegal immigrants throughout the United States during a five-month period last year and issued north of 100,000 Notices to Report (NTR) to an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) field office within 60 days. The stats reveal that over 50,000 illegal aliens failed to show up for their hearing with federal authorities by ignoring the government issued NTR.

Biden watch - ORANGE trending upward *unchanged*
DISCUSSION - Mental facilities continue to degrade


CW2/Domestic violence - YELLOW trending neutral to down *updated 01/21/22*
DISCUSSION - Generally quiet activity on the BLM/Antifa front. Rampant crime continues

Impacts by illegals on domestic violence has yet to be quantified because of the administration’s efforts to keep it undercover. Examples are still present. Oscar Rosales, 51, was arrested by Mexican authorities Wednesday in the border town of Ciudad Acuña and turned over to American officials. Rosales is charged with capital murder for allegedly shooting Harris County Constable Charles Galloway through the windshield of his squad car during a Houston traffic stop early Sunday morning.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement confirmed to Fox News Thursday that Rosales was not a US citizen and had not been in the country legally.

CANCEL CULTURE FRONT - YELLOW *updated 01-28-22*

U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy said Tuesday on MSNBC that not only the government, but Big Tech companies have a role to play when it comes to censoring so-called “misinformation” and curating “accurate” information to the public.
OBSERVATION - Increasing screeches from the left to aggressively censor anyone who challenges their various narratives. The biggest target currently is Joe Rogan who iirc really isn’t conservative, but willing to have all view points on his podcast which pulls more listeners than many MSM talking heads. Government censorship is just what communism and other authorities govts revert to a la 1984.

POLITICAL FRONT - YELLOW and increasing *updated 01-28-22*
DISCUSSION - Between democrats trying to regroup after failing to pass HR1, BBB, economic crash and plunging poll numbers, now a supreme court nominee to process.

After the circus surrounding the announcement that Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer retirement at the end of the current court term, leaked by the WH and confirmed the following day by Breyer, democrats are in a frenzy. The marxist / progressive branch is wanting a very radical nominee. More moderate elements something left of center. Crazy speculation about Harris, Hillary, Stacy Abrahams and even Michelle being nominated. One thing is for certain - it will be a female of color - no qualifications necessary. Question is - what is the republican red line on a nominee. Are they willing to roll over or force a more moderate nominee.
Schumer is looking to rush the process so it is done before campaign season and the midterms, even though Breyer won’t be stepping down until this fall.
A liberal nominee will not change the current 5-4 (can’t count on Roberts) balance of the court.

Strategic Activity / Deployments - ORANGE (UPDATED 01/21/2022) *status raised*

1000 troops are currently slated to be deployed to Eastern Europe. This is down from 8,500 announced earlier. Change based on confusion on the extent that NATO wants US forces in theatre.

North Korea - YELLOW (UPDATED 01/21/22)

North Korea’s internet appears to have been hit by a second wave of outages in as many weeks, possibly caused by a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack, researchers said on Wednesday.
OBSERVATION - Speculation that these attacks are in response to recent missile launchings.

Russia - ORANGE and increasing *last updated 121021*
DISCUSSION - INCREASED WARNING ONGOING - OSINT and other analysts are noting the continued build up of military assets that go far beyond those necessary for a military ‘exercise’. Putin has seriously deployed for combat and can execute several options at any moment. Current indicators are that Russia is more inclined to launch a full scale attack against the Ukraine with the purpose of overthrowing the government.
Russian deployments indicate the capability to launch an offensive against Ukraine along 7 fronts: from the Union State of Russia and Belarus, from the Russian Federation, from Russian-occupied Donbas, from the Sea of Azov, from Russian-occupied Crimea, from the Black Sea, from Russian-occupied Moldova.

NOTE - Recent comments by Russia/Putin may indicate a softening of their positions and an opening for more dialogue/diplomacy.

A good map that I found depiction the disposition of Russian forces is at the following link -

WEATHER - Below freezing temperatures will maintain soil conditions conducive to armor operations and maneuvering for the next two weeks.

Current intelligence indicators of impending attack.
- Western defense officials reported on Thursday that Moscow is sending medical units to the Ukrainian front.

ADDITIONAL COMMENTS - I’m still working to pull together a situation and scenario(s) post, but may have found a document created by another group that does it better that I’ll add my observations to.

President Vladimir Putin has told his French counterpart that the West has ignored Russia’s security concerns, amid fears Russia could invade Ukraine.
The US rejected a key Moscow demand that Nato rule out Ukraine joining the defense alliance - but insisted it was offering Russia a “diplomatic path”.

Russia on Friday sent its strongest signal so far that it is willing to engage with U.S. security proposals and reiterated that it does not want war over Ukraine. “If it depends on Russia, then there will be no war. We don’t want wars. But we also won’t allow our interests to be rudely trampled, to be ignored,” Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told Russian radio stations in an interview.

The report that three Russian landing craft (presumably loaded with Russian marines) transited the Strait of Gibraltar this week. Which is 2,000 statute miles, 1,740 nautical or 4-days steaming which will put them on site perhaps Sunday. There is no reports of the other three ships location, some speculate that they may be headed to Cuba or Central America. Remember, it is these ships that triggered the Swedish alert a couple weeks ago.

The U.S. State Department is vowing to block the Nord Stream 2 pipeline between Russia and Germany from moving forward if Russia invades Ukraine. “I want to be very clear: if Russia invades Ukraine one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward,” spokesperson Ned Price said Wednesday. “I’m not going to get into the specifics,” he told NPR. “We will work with Germany to ensure it does not move forward.”

The United States has asked that the United Nations Security Council meet publicly on Monday to discuss Russia’s “threatening behavior” against Ukraine and its troop buildup on Ukraine’s borders and in Belarus, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations said on Thursday.

Ukraine - ORANGE trending upward *updated 121021*
Increased potential of an attack by Russia.

Joe Biden is planning to deploy 1,000 troops to Eastern Europe to defend it against Russian aggression alongside several Nato allies
It comes a day after he put 8,500 U.S. soldiers on alert to go to the region.
OBSERVATION - Wobbling around on a critical issue like this will only embolden Putin.

A conscript soldier in Ukraine’s National Guard was arrested Thursday after he opened fire in a machine factory in the east of the country, killing five people and wounding five more, authorities said.
Ukraine’s Interior Ministry said in a statement that the guardsman, identified as 21-year-old Artemiy Ryabchuk, shot at a group of his colleagues at the facility in the city of Dnipro at around 3:40 a.m. local time while weapons were being distributed.
Four servicemen and one civilian woman were killed. The suspect reportedly fled with a weapon, but was later apprehended.
OBSERVATION - Strong possibility that this individual had affiliations with the Russian supported separatists. This follows the arrest of a spetznatz cell and other disruptions of attempts to internally attack the Ukrainian govt.

Belarus - YELLOW *updated 121021*

Continued build up of Russian forces.

Europe General - YELLOW TRENDING UPWARD *updated 121021*
DISCUSSION - Increasing potential that NATO will become involved in an Ukraine invasion as Poland, Romania and the Baltic Nations respond.

Multiple reports of some degree of split in some of the NATO allies on the Ukraine situation. Germany is the most reluctant to confront Russia.

Israel - ORANGE trending neutral to upward *unchanged*
DISCUSSION - Ongoing threat from Hezbollah and Iran continues. ____________________________________

Iran - ORANGE *unchanged*

Iranian Foreign Minister: We call on the United Nations to play a greater role to stop the war in Yemen and launch political dialogue.
OBSERVATION - Iranian proxy forces not faring well in Yemen and Iran trying to give them breathing space.

Iraq - YELLOW trending upward *updated 01/28/22*

At least six rockets have been launched at Baghdad’s International Airport which targeted the U.S. Army’s Victory Base according to several news outlets who reported it Friday morning. Two rockets were reportedly intercepted. The rockets that were not intercepted by the anti-rocket C-RAM system are reported to have hit the runway and areas close to the civilian side of the airport.

OBSERVATION - This was another of the ‘shoot and scoot’ attacks where a vehicle with a rocket launcher is positioned, fuses lit and the militia runs away to avoid detection/capture. With the weakness of the biden foreign policy towards Iran, Iranian-supported militias will undoubtedly increase their attacks on US bases and facilities. Iraq is hard pressed to stop them at this time.

54 posted on 01/28/2022 10:12:22 AM PST by Godzilla (Never give up, never surrender . . . . . .)
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