We’re not taking part in Fauci/Mengele’s Final Solution.
Nuremberg justice NOW!
Here. Don't take my word for it. Here is just a sample from Michigan two days ago:
"Unvaccinated residents filling Michigan hospitals, getting hospitalized for COVID"
And Nebraska, just now, too:
Nearly All Nebraska COVID Hospital Patients Are Unvaccinated
https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/nebraska/articles/2021-12-01/many-of-the-states-covid-hospitalizations-are-young-adults Maybe these people are just holograms, or crisis actors? /sarc
Here is Japan we have so FEW hospitalizations due to COVID, it is standing at 1.2% hospitalization in Tokyo, but of that close to 90% of the serious patients are UNVACCINATED. We have near 80% total vaccination now (Pfizer/Moderna). No, horse paste is NOT authorized here by MHW for use. Defy anyone to tell or show otherwise.