“get the shot and drop dead or be disabled for the remainder of your life.”
We know a ton of people. No one died or had medical stuff come up due to the vaccination. The worst we heard was after the 2nd shot a few people felt quesy for a few hours or a day.
So you go w/o health insurance then have cancer or a stroke and you spend 300K out of your personal savings.
Have you qouted LTD at your age? it it very expensive.
My wife and I personally know 4 people who dropped dead within 3 weeks of getting the shot.
Two were her cousins (on in late 40’s and the other about 52). One a close family friend who was a farmer and 50 years old. The other was my next door neighbor’s Father In-Law with total organ failure after getting a stoke 10 days after the shot.
I don’t believe in Coincidences.