So consider this an appeal to that optimistic side. If you are going to make arguments, then you're going to have a lot more cause for that optimism if you make those arguments as effectively as possible. Information dumps rarely work to convince anyone.
When arguing with 9/11 Truthers, I'd ask them to give me their single best argument. The one argument that was bulletproof, unanswerable, etc.. And if that argument was bogus, then I'd know that listening to the rest of that drivel was going to be pointless. They'd usually hate that because they believed that 100 crappy argument were the equal of one good one.
There has been a whole lot of that boy who cried wolf syndrome with the claims of vote tally manipulation.
Good. That was the spirit in which it was intended.
My uncle always used to say "Live in hope though ye die in despair."
There has been a whole lot of that boy who cried wolf syndrome with the claims of vote tally manipulation.
The voting machine side of the argument is too complex and the proof is too difficult to establish.
I believe the vast majority of the election fraud snuck in through the mail in ballot trick. I've seen quite a lot of information that I would regard as proof if the people relating it are telling the truth, which I believe they are.
The "leaks" coming out of the Arizona audit is saying something like 74,000 bad ballots in the system.
Most of these relate to ineligible voters, fake addresses, fake people, and so forth.
I am still waiting to see the official report claims. If they confirm what the leaks have said, that's pretty good proof to my mind.