I never understood the logic of this way of fighting , storming the beach in broad daylight with enemy having the high ground. It was either incompetence or simply no care for human life of your own .
How else could it have been done? They didn’t have much in the way of night vision equipment in those days?
How should it have been done?
It wasn’t “broad daylight”, but daybreak in the middle of an intense storm. It was a complete plan. For example, paratroopers dropped in early to take out coastal defenses. Deception to convince Germans landing would be elsewhere. When the landing began, they thought it was a decoy. The storm was God’s help. German weather boats had been sunk and their station in Newfoundland stopped working. They couldn’t see the break in the storm, but the Allies could. Consequently many German commanders were off with mistresses, family, or elsewhere. Hitler had given orders not to move tanks without his command and also had given orders on June 5 not to awaken him for any reason. Some soldiers were conscripts from occupied territories who readily surrendered. Victory was by no means certain. Eisenhower has pre-written 2 announcements: one for success, one for failure.