I understand why to home school or go private. I live in a small conservative town. Teachers have their own kids in the school .....
I haven’t run into ant crazy ones. My 3 kids (all adults now and knuckle dragging conservatives) went through school no problem with a decent education.
I can give many examples of teachers being genuinely open and conservative. My favorite is kids were writing a paper on native Americans and the deaths (disease, trail of tears, ...). My kid wrote that the natives scored a generational killer by hooking Europeans on tobacco and killing hundreds of millions with lung cancer. That kid got a “Very interesting A” on their paper. Good families, make good communities, make good schools. Crazy progressives make chaos.
Yep. In the area where I grew up, many public schools have Christmas programs that are just as good as the private Christian schools. Prayers and all. The problem isn’t public schools, it’s letting the idiots in and then letting them start running the show.