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To: null and void; aragorn; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; BusterDog; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..

Wuhan virus -
Some teenagers and young adults who received COVID-19 vaccines experienced heart inflammation, a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advisory group said, recommending further study of the rare condition.
OBSERVATION - Teens and younger should not receive the vaccine for many reasons. First and foremost is the virtual high survival rate. They stand a greater chance of being struck and killed by lightning than dying from the virus.

Indications that CDC is altering its practices of data logging and testing for “Covid19” in order to make it seem the experimental gene-therapy “vaccines” are effective at preventing the alleged disease. The focus is on “breakthrough infections” – that is people who are fully “vaccinated” against Sars-Cov-2 infection, but get infected anyway. First, they are lowering their CT value when testing samples from suspected “breakthrough infections”. Throughout the pandemic, CT values in excess of 35 have been the norm, with labs around the world going into the 40s. Now, and only for fully vaccinated people, the CDC will only accept samples achieved from 28 cycles or fewer. That can only be a deliberate decision in order to decrease the number of “breakthrough infections” being officially recorded. Secondly, asymptomatic or mild infections will no longer be recorded as “covid cases”. If you are asymptomatic – or having only minor symptoms – will no longer count as a “Covid case” but only if you’ve been vaccinated. It appears that this policy is designed to continuously inflate one number, and systematically minimise the other.

Globalism / Great Reset -
Totalitarism amuck in Oregon. Oregon health officials have approved the rollout of vaccine passports, requiring houses of worship, employers, and businesses to check the vaccine records of adherents, employees, or customers in exchange for being able to take off their masks indoors. Presumably, people unwilling to show their papers will be reported. Businesses and other entities under the new rules will be “investigated” if they’re found breaking the rules.
OBSERVATION - this gives us a glimpse of how the globalists can take this pandemic and force citizens into compliance. Extrapolate Oregon to a global level.

Economy -
More than one-third of California’s 76,000 eating establishments will never open their doors again and reopening the rest will prove to be difficult. This situation is repeating itself across the country as the restaurant industry struggles with the new business realities. Many of the improvements made during the pandemic such as outdoor seating and curbside delivery will remain. One key factor hindering the industry is the lack of workers - like many other sectors. Industry analysts think it will take 2-3 years before they achieved employment levels seen before the pandemic hit.

With 3/4 of the state of Kalifornian in extreme drought, the Bureau of Reclamation said it was putting the release of the water allocations on hold. The announcement was a blow to rice farmers in Sacramento Valley, who produce about 97 percent of the state’s rice. Even those farmers with special contractual rights that entitle them to enhanced deliveries from the Central Valley Project will be facing a minimum 25 percent reduction to their water allocation.
NOTE - having lived in the Sacramento area for 24 years, the loss of water to those rice fields is huge and will severely impact the local economy as well as the rice market already stressed by Chinese and other nations purchases due to failures in their crops over the past year.

CW2/Domestic violence -
Oregon City patriots held a flag rally that BLM/Antifa swore to take down. Well, it didn’t work that way for the leftists who showed up in small numbers, totally dwarfed by the patriots. After a short period, Antifa rebounded their busses and left with no incidents of violence. The law enforcement and civic leaders of the town have taken an open stand against violence instigated by the leftists and Antifa wanted to send them a message . Antifa twitter and other social media in Oregon erupted in anger at the lack of turnout. It was scathing.
OBSERVATION - BLM/Antifa since last year has wanted to extend its practice of intimidation of civilian populations through violence into red cities and counties. But to do this they have to import the rioters, as those areas have very few supporters. Should things go sideways, they may try to resort to more deadly methods of intimidation, triggering strong response back.

Monitoring now the prospects for a full digital audit of ballots in Georgia’s Fulton County. This will also be hyped up and I prefer to let them do their job and see where the ashes fall. However, this with AZ Maricopa County could place some serious constitutional questions to say the least as if the allegations of irregularities (ok lets call it cheating) will bring stronger scrutiny on other counties with unusual behavior election night.

vp harris insulted the South Korean President by wiping her hand off after shaking his hand, all caught on camera. She attempted some subtlety, but it was very evident.

Japan -
In the face of increasing Chinese aggression, Japan is ready to do away with its long-standing 1% GDP ceiling for annual defense spending. This comes after repeated incursions by China’s now quasi-military coast guard into the waters around the Japan-administered Senkaku Islands, which China claims and calls the Diaoyu. Japan’s proximity to Taiwan could also draw it into any Chinese attempt to conquer it.


Ceasefire continues to hold. The fact that Hamas et al hasn’t as they have in the past, continued to sneak some attacks in to me is evidence of just how hammered they got.

IDF issued a statement summarizing the 11 days of war. 4360+ rockets fired at Israel, of which 680 misfired/malfunctioned and struck Gaza. Israel struck 1500+ targets including 675 rocket launchers, 60+ miles of tunnel network destroyed and 200+ terrorists neutralized.

Unrest continues in mixed arab/jew communities in Israel. Riots have pivoted off riots/confrontations at the Temple Mount (Al Aqsa Mosque Yard) and the situation there continues to be tense.

As some agencies call for the rebuilding of Gaza, the press photographs show how hammered the Hamas infrastructure was. This is the result of placing military operations (rockets, command posts etc) in the middle of civilian areas.

Egyptian mediators sought to reinforce a days-old ceasefire between Israel and Palestinian militants on Saturday, and aid officials appealed for a period of calm to start tackling a humanitarian crisis in Gaza after 11 days of fighting. The ceasefire, which began before dawn on Friday, was still holding on Saturday evening, enabling officials to start assessing the scale of the damage.

Israel is reviewing its policy and tactics to respond to future rocket attacks from Gaza, and is seriously looking at harsh responses for every single rocket launched from Gaza - a dramatically different approach than that implemented in recent years. This due in part to the extensive damage it inflected on Hamas et al and the IDF believes that following the blow to Hamas’ defense array (the Metro underground tunnel system,) it will be able to carry out targeted and accurate attacks on terrorist targets and infrastructure in Gaza.

Iran -
Iran’s parliamentary speaker threatened on Sunday to further limit international inspectors’ access to nuclear sites and data, increasing tensions with the International Atomic Energy Agency and world powers. This includes surveillance images of the Islamic Republic’s nuclear sites.
OBSERVATION - Iran senses weakness in the west - seeing Neville Chamberlains instead of Winston Churchills.

Some nine people were injured after an explosion was reported at the Sepahan Nargostar chemical and fireworks factory in the city of Shahin Shahr in the Isfahan province of Iran on Saturday night, according to Iranian media. The cause of the blast is under investigation. According to the Iranian IRNA news agency, the factory is a producer of industrial and commercial explosive materials and is under the supervision of the National Security Council.
NOTE - Iran has had a lot of accidents at critical manufacturing facilities lately.

Iraq -
Iran backed Shia militias in Iraq release a statement ‘rejecting’ the outcome of U.S.-Iraq strategic dialogue and that it will escalate its attacks against the international coalition in Iraq.

Black Swans -
Kalifornia (see also economy) in the news with their mismanagement of the current drought situation. Back when the golden state was golden, they built a substantial dam/canal infrastructure network to stave off the effects of periodic droughts and flooding. Today farmers and people reliant upon water for even drinking are staring at the fact that the state mandates huge amounts of water to flow directly to the ocean - up to 40% in some river basins. Most of this resource mismanagement is do to the environmentalist wackos who have not clue where their food comes from nor bother to take baths/showers in the first place. This is building up to be one of the most disastrous summers for Kalifornia Ag in decades.

397 posted on 05/23/2021 6:53:06 AM PDT by Godzilla (Never give up, never surrender . . . . . .)
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To: null and void; aragorn; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; BusterDog; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..

Short of another wild change in global events, there will be no summary tomorrow, Tuesday.

Wuhan virus -
The actual ground zero for wuhan will never be conclusive determined since there is too much at stake for China. There has been and will continue to be evidence brought out indicating the virus came out of the wuhan lab at a minimum. Now that the initial ‘crisis’ has passed, more information is leaking out. WSJ is reporting that three researchers from China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology became sick enough in November 2019 that they sought hospital care, according to a previously undisclosed U.S. intelligence report that could add weight to growing calls for a fuller probe of whether the wuhan virus may have escaped from the laboratory. While this may not be the smoking gun, it is another layer of evidence pointing to the wuhan lab as the source.

Another that has too much at stake in the wuhan lab is Fauci, who has flipped flopped again and indicates that in an interview with politifact, he isn’t convinced the virus developed ’naturally’. Charges continue over his under the table funding of the wuhan lab to bypass US law in pathogen research.

Indian medical authorities are pondering if the wuhan ‘vaccine’ created the 750% increase in cases. Major hot spots had significant vaccination drives with the virus infections skyrocketing shortly there after.

China has officially reported wuhan outbreaks in their Southern Coastal Province Guangdong as well as in the northeastern province of Liaoning.

Seeing increased hype about the need for a booster shot this fall. Executives of both Pfizer and Moderna say that booster shots to remain protected against the virus are very likely to be needed, and that the first boosters could be needed this fall, according to Axios. “The data that I see coming, they are supporting the notion that likely there will be a need for a booster somewhere between eight and 12 months,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said.
OBSERVATION - The pressure to get the basic ‘vaccination’ increases, chances are much of the nation will not be ‘vaccinated’ when these boosters are released.

Globalism / Great Reset -
World Economic Forum indicated in a tweet last week that was later pulled and modified that it supports employees being forced to choose between taking one of the four controversial Covid vaccines, or unemployment if they choose to not take the vaccine. It was removed and modified after a lot of backlash. The original tweet said - “Get your COVID-19 jab – or you could face consequences from your employer #COVID19 #JobsReset21,” It was changed to “Survey: Will employees be required to get the COVID-19 vaccination? #COVID19 #JobsReset21“. Both accompanied a graphic showcasing the purported poll numbers of companies that would fire employees for not taking the vaccine.

In July 2020, the Rockefeller Foundation released a paper entitled ‘Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System’. This outlines their wide-ranging plans for the global food system; from farm to mouth they have a plan to ‘Reset the table’ This “reset” plans on -

1. To Integrate the ‘food system’ under one political aegis
2. To Collectivise and centralise control of the supply of food
3. To engender ‘Prosperity’ – i.e. to enrich the stakeholders

OBSERVATION - Nearly one year old report but important in the light of the damage to global food production over the last year due to a combination of natural disasters and wuhan shutdowns. As I’ve noted previously, here in the US grain production is way down and now reports that rice production will essentially be cancelled by the Bureau of Reclamation cutting off water to rice farmers (95% of rice production comes from kalifornia). Despots throughout history have used food as a weapon to suppress the population and enforce their totalitarian rules. Just like the Globalists have leveraged the wuhan virus, they will be leveraging global food shortages.

Economy -
Reflection on the Bureau of Reclamation decision not to release water for Kalifornian rice farmers. I lived there through the last bad drought, and they didn’t stop the flow of water to rice fields then. but then Newscum and biden happened. . . . .

Invasion of Illegals -

The Biden administration will grant Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to Haiti for 18 months in a move that marks a key win for Democrats and immigration advocates.
The TPS will allow Haitians in the United States to obtain a work permit and stay in the U.S. in light of what Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas says are security concerns and other issues in Haiti. Nearly 100,000 Haitians could get the right to live and work in the U.S. as a result of the measure.

Biden watch -
Press corps rumbling about biden’s lack of follow-on press conference . vp harris now over 60 days without a press conference or visiting the border.

CW2/Domestic violence -
Marches in memory of George Floyd are scheduled across the country this week. Potential for Antifa driven violence piggy backed to those marches.

Friction has developed between BLM and Antifa forces in Portland. On Saturday, BLM organized a march that Antifa joined. Antifa commonly uses these marches for a spring board for violence, but this time organizers of the BLM march were not having any of it accusing Antifa as using blacks as “shields” for their violence. After being kicked out of the march, Antifa just went elsewhere and vandalized down town businesses.

Fairfax District of L.A. has banded together to form a neighborhood watch to help people from Orthodox Jewish community walk home safely, according to the report.
The group sprang up through an Instagram post in the city by Remi Franklin, 37, a jujitsu practitioner.

Los Angeles police on Saturday announced the arrest of a suspect in an alleged attack by a pro-Palestinian group on Jewish men outside a restaurant earlier in the week.

Critical race proponents are now advocating the actual destruction (burning) of the US Constitution because it is racist. NOTE - the same constitution is protecting their speech, removal is not in their best interests.

Cyber Warfare -
Microsoft and cybersecurity experts believe the massive hack against the Microsoft Exchange Server this year was conducted by a Chinese hacker group, but the Biden administration has yet to point the finger. Microsoft said the hacker group “Hafnium,” was “state-sponsored” and operating out of China.

China -
Chinese counterparts refuse to talk with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

Middle East General -
Secretary of State Blinken will travel to Jerusalem, Ramallah, Cairo, and Amman May 24-27, 2021.


Cease fire continues to hold and civil unrest in mixed arab/jewish communities is down slightly. Temple Mount still the epicenter of a lot protests and fighting, though that is going down slowly as well.

Arab writers and political analysts are holding the Iranian-backed Hamas responsible for the violence and bloodshed. NOTE - this is a BIG shift for the arab world, due in large part to the Abrahamic Accords i suspect, as well as general hate/distrust of Hamas’ primary supporter - Iran.

Unlike past wars, Israel has tons of video documentation on how Hamas et al embedded their rocket launchers into schools and other civilian areas, used ambulances to move troops, and other actions to deliberately try to delegitimize Israeli counter strikes. World governments and agencies are well aware of this and with the volumes of videos, cannot simply argue Israeli brutality. Additionally, Israel used precise munitions sized to minimize collateral damage. Something they didn’t have isn the past.

Again, this isn’t lost on financial backers of Gaza. Officials in the Donor countries ALCH (that Give Assistance to Gaza and PA) have begun discussions in recent days on the question of whether and how much money to donate to Gaza to aid in the wake of the destruction after Operation Guardian of the Walls. Since 2014, donor countries, mainly European ones, have invested more than $ 2 billion in rehabilitating the Gaza Strip. Officials in those countries expressed frustration at discussions about the money being transferred to Gaza, “without real oversight capability and without a broader political-political process.” Some describe the feeling ‘as an ATM’, that there is no big and comprehensive plan.
NOTE - The realization that Hamas diverted a vast chunk of those billions to construct its military network and rocket system. Such is the flexibility of receiving cash with “real oversight capability”

OBSERVATION - There is a saying that one is always fighting the last war. That is what Hamas did. Israel OTOH did not in this case, but planned out Hamas tactics and operations and pretty well effectively countered them.

Iran -
Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator Abbas Aragchi on Monday appeared to double-down on a tough negotiating position with the US as time ran out on IAEA-Tehran cooperation and with June 18 presidential elections creeping closer. The US, Iran and the world powers have had five rounds of negotiations in Vienna in recent months to try to resolve the nuclear standoff.
OBSERVATION - Iran knows fully well biden is a paper tiger and will not do anything to stop Iran from doing what it wants. These negotiation are nothing but a show.

Belarus -
Jet fighters from Belarus were scrambled and intercepted a Ryan Air passenger jet under the pretenses of a bomb threat. After being forced down, police arrested Roman Protasevich, a journalist and critic of the Lukashenko administration. Belarus and Lukashenko are relatively close allies of Putin and Russia. They were reported to have staged military forces on the northern border of Ukraine during the recent crisis.
European leaders have expressed outrage at this hijacking of an airliner. “Hijacking of a civilian plane is an unprecedented act of state terrorism. It cannot go unpunished,” Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki wrote on Twitter. Greece’s Foreign Ministry agreed (the aircraft had departed from Athens en route to Lithuania), calling the incident “state hijacking”.

398 posted on 05/24/2021 7:27:34 AM PDT by Godzilla (Never give up, never surrender . . . . . .)
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