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To: null and void; aragorn; AZ .44 MAG; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; BusterDog; bgill; bitt; ...

Reminder - I’ll be on the road Thursday - Sat this week.

Wuhan virus -
The CDC has updated its guidance. Fully vaccinated Americans can now go without masks outdoors, except in crowded settings. A lot of Americans have been doing this for a while without the ‘vaccine’. Its about control, not the virus.

Globalism / Great Reset -
Foodie site Epicurous has removed beef recipes, saying that we must changed out diet to safe the earth from global warming. This follows the reports that biden’s global warming plan for 2030 includes limiting beef consumption to 4 lbs/person/year.

Yellen continues to work with the IMF to find a mechanism to place govt controls over cryptocurrencies, particularly bitcoin. Govt controls would facilitate monitoring of purchases and ultimate control of individuals via the pocket book.

Economy -
Housing market continues to skyrocket to new heights. Forecasts of double digit price increases thru the end of the year.

The Federal Reserve will remain on hold for the rest of this year despite an increasing belief on Wall Street that policymakers should throttle back the stimulus they’re providing to the U.S. economy, according to the latest CNBC Fed Survey. Respondents to the survey forecast the Fed won’t reduce its $120 billion of asset purchases until January, three months later than predicted in CNBC’s March survey. And the first rate hike won’t come until December 2022, survey respondents said.
NOTE - a rate hike will have devastating consequences, even if by a minimal amount. The economy is running of credit, cheap credit, and if that starts to become more expensive prices will skyrocket even more than expected this summer - potentially triggering hyperinflation.

Invasion of Illegals -
As if it couldn’t be proven to be lower, VP Harris proved pundents wrong when she announced that the cause of the surge in illegals is due to “climate change” and LGBTQ violence a “root cause”. According to polls, harris is failing miserably to do her job on immigration (as well as other aspects).

biden has ordered that Immigration enforcement officials from ICE or the Border Patrol will not be allowed to arrest any illegal aliens at courthouses “unless there is a public safety threat.” Arrests at a courthouse can still be made if “it involves a national security matter, a risk of imminent death or harm to anyone, or a hot pursuit involving a public safety threat. Officers may also make an arrest at a courthouse if it appears evidence in a criminal case will be imminently destroyed.”

Biden watch -
Biden, who is fully vaccinated against the coronavirus, wore a mask Tuesday while walking outside by himself to the podium far from reporters and other people to announce new CDC guidelines that vaccinated people can go without masks outdoors as long as they are not in big crowds. Wait, what . . . .

CW2/Domestic violence -
The Idaho State House passed HB 377 with a vote of 57 to 12, which seeks to ban Critical Race Theory from being taught at Idaho public schools. The House passed the bill as it warned, “the federal government is working to take over Idaho curriculum.”

The FBI is combing through the data of Americans gathered illegally by the National Security Agency (NSA) to build cases against Trump supporters and other so-called right-wing extremists. A heavily-redacted report has been declassified from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) secret court showing that the FBI received private information about right-wing individuals in September 2019. This occurred as the FBI was ignoring pressing ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter terror threats while former President Donald Trump was still in the White House.

DHS is conducting a political purge of anyone who may be a patriot. This follows a similar ideological purge working thru the US Military . DHS leadership will provide the department’s employees with information on how they can accuse their co-workers by utilizing “mechanisms for reporting insider threats and other actions associated with domestic violent extremism.”

Strategic Developments /Deployments -
USCG Cutter Hamilton entered the Black Sea, after working with the USS Roosevelt The Hamilton will be working with NATO Allies & partners in the region. Russian naval assets almost immediately started to shadow the ship.

biden ordered the deployment of over 600 soldiers to Afghanistan allegedly to assist in the troop pullout.

North Korea -
South Korea’s unification minister is calling for the resumption of dialogue with North Korea. Seoul’s also announced the completion of a $361,945 conference room intended to facilitate video calls with Pyongyang on Monday.

Ukrainian border guards have not recorded any withdrawal of Russian troops from the borders of Ukraine, only from Crimea.
Russia is repeatedly refusing dialogue and diplomatic solution on Donbas and Crimea. It claims not to be a party to the ‘conflict’.
There continues to be mortar/grenade attacks by separatists along the line of contact in the Dombas region.

Israel -
Two rockets were launched from Gaza towards southern Israel overnight. No damage was reported as they reportedly landed in an open field in Gaza. Reports that the Gaza factions are evacuating their HQs bases , outposts and other installations as IAF aircraft move over the strip.

Post election politics continue. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday finally caved in on his more than month-long opposition to appointing Blue and White leader Benny Gantz as Justice Minister in the current transitional government. The government approved the nomination of Gantz Wednesday afternoon.

Iran -
A U.S. military ship fired warning shots after three vessels from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN) came close to it and another American patrol boat in the Gulf, the United States military said on Tuesday.
The US ship involved is the USS Firebolt, (PC 10) a Cyclone class Patrol (coastal) ship which is currently home-ported in Bahrain. This is on top of Iranian harassment of two Coast Guard Cutters earlier in the month that was just reported.
NOTE - Iranian fast attack boats have been stepping up their harassment of US vessels in the gulf.

United States will no longer require Iran to comply with the nuclear deal before the U.S. will rejoin the deal, but that only Iran *intends* to comply.
Syria -
Western Syria / Idlib relatively quiet. Most activity is in the eastern areas with clashes with ISIS.

Black Swans -
The 7th IAA Planetary Defense Conference takes place week in Vienna, Austria, and it is there where NASA, ESA, JPL, and others will be playing asteroid impact games. Officially called a tabletop exercise, the idea behind this game is to simulate an asteroid impact. More to the point, on April 26, the participants pretended they’ve discovered a potentially dangerous near-Earth object (NEO). During this week, people will pretend to have made more discoveries about this imaginary asteroid and then come up with recommendations and responses.
OBSERVATION - it isn’t necessary tinfoil for this exercise. The earth has been hit with asteroids in the past and recent fireballs reinforce the fact that there are plenty of rocks out there that can damage the earth - the won’t be detected until the last minute if at all. I don’t see this as reflecting a ’secret’ asteroid targeting the earth.

339 posted on 04/28/2021 6:30:26 AM PDT by Godzilla (Never give up, never surrender . . . . . .)
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To: Godzilla
The Planetary Defense Conference and its exercise serve as precursors to the launch of NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART), which is the first-ever actual demonstration of an asteroid deflection technology, and the first test mission of the agency's Planetary Defense program. DART is scheduled to launch later this year and will impact the asteroid Dimorphos in Fall 2022 to change its orbit in space, which could be a key technique for mitigating a potentially hazardous asteroid that is The Planetary Defense Conference and its exercise serve as precursors to the launch of NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART), which is the first-ever actual demonstration of an asteroid deflection technology, and the first test mission of the agency's Planetary Defense program. DART is scheduled to launch later this year and will impact the asteroid Dimorphos in Fall 2022 to change its orbit in space, which could be a key technique for mitigating a potentially hazardous asteroid that is on a collision path with Earth

Or learning how to put one that one that isn't on a collision path with Earth onto a path the impacts Washington, the Kremlin, or the Forbidden City...

340 posted on 04/28/2021 7:19:35 AM PDT by null and void (When you put bad people in charge expect bad things to happen, often in a spectacular and sudden way)
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To: null and void; aragorn; AZ .44 MAG; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; BusterDog; bgill; bitt; ...

I’m back and what fresh craziness there is. A lot to get thru and a lot of summarization.

Wuhan virus -
India continues to suffer heavy casualties from wuhan virus strains.

Latest outbreak area of concern - the base camps of Mt Everest.

Latest data indicates that US “vaccinations” for wuhan have decreased significantly as skepticism over the effectiveness continue. After all, why take a risky, experimental shot(s) when you have to continue to distance and mask. Federal and state govts are diverting money to campaigns to get more people ‘vaccinated’ and social media is attempting to shame non vaxxed into being a test subject. However, it doesn’t help when biden calls those unvaxxed “lazy”and “will cause others to die”.

Now the NYT is “reporting” that herd immunity will not be achieved or can be. . . . .

CDC is now reporting that 3,848 people have died and 118,902 adverse reactions have now been logged into their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). These come from the used of Pfizer and Modern mRNA based pseudo-vaccines. Remember, the govt paused Johnson and Johnson true vaccine over just 7 suspected blood clot incidents. Questions are now being raised about the accuracy of the VAERS numbers and if they are under reporting reactions/deaths. A reasonable observation considering how the CDC cooked infection numbers (evidenced by the disappearance of flu cases).

Globalism / Great Reset -
OBSERVATION - one of the biggest movements I monitored was the growing effort to replace Bitcoin with a govt/bank controlled crypto currency. Second area of concern is whether or not our economy is being deliberately sabotaged to crash and usher in the “Great Reset”.

Economy -
Inflation is here and going to get worse. Warren Buffet is even hot on that. That is being acknowledged by the MSM and easily seen in the supermarkets.
Supplies / food biggest hit as the system is still in shock from last years wuhan shut downs. Chicken shortage, pork shortage, increased cost for grains and produce (example Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP) a soybean product that I like to use has tripled in price). Computer chips forcing vehicle production stoppage.
Perhaps the biggest hit is that the MSM is now beginning to look a the situation and using the STAGFLATION word once again.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Tuesday afternoon she wasn’t forecasting interest-rate increases to rein in any inflation spurred by President Joe Biden’s proposed spending, clarifying comments that ruffled financial markets a few hours earlier. She had said that a Fed rate increase would be needed soon.
OBSERVATION - biden et al have got our economy so torqued that an implosion is a greater probability. The threat of hyperinflation and/or stagflation looms threateningly.

Invasion of Illegals -
biden quadrupled the ‘cap’ on immigrants. Border patrol reports 6,000 illegals per day intercepted.

Schumer is looking at using budget reconciliation legislation to legalize millions of illegals. He is reportedly developing a plan to force through a full amnesty package via reconciliation. And rather than making it some sort of stand-alone bill that could be debated on its merits, he’s ready to shoehorn it into the massive infrastructure bill. Reconciliation bills only need a majority vote - no filibuster allowed.

Texas law enforcement officials are sounding the alarm about the skyrocketing human trafficking and opioid fentanyl is now flooding across the border. Between October 2020 and March 2021, customs agents seized more than 2.5 tons of fentanyl—a more than 300 percent year-on-year increase. Also seen is highly purified meth, now pouring across the border.

Biden watch -
biden declared that those earning under $400,000 will pay NO taxes. Is this a “read my lips” moment?

CW2/Domestic violence -
Background checks for gun purchases continue to set records. The ammo shortage is expected to continue well into 2022, though some relief is evident now - as still inflated prices.

Antifa was infiltrated and caught on audio/video calling for the killing of cops.

Violent protests by Antifa over May day did result in some felony charges to some in Portland. But the trend is that nothing will come from this.

DHS and FBI desired usage of ‘private’ companies to surveil US citizens for radical talk on social media marks a dangerous morphing of our government. If conducted by govt agencies it would be illegal. Taking the back door clearly shows that the Swamp is fully engaged in totalitarian operations. This following the revelation of a US Postal service agency doing similar monitoring and reporting.

Yesterday afternoon Chauvin defense attorney Eric Nelson filed a motion for new trial and a related motion for an hearing to interrogate the jury in order to impeach the verdict (a so-called Schwartz hearing). With mouthy revelations from the jury room and in particular one juror who deliberately lied about his activism with BLM and others saying a motivating factor was to avoid violence (mostly against themselves), the jury pool was corrupted beyond measure. Add to it mad mouth Maxine, well justice didn’t get served. Other point include the judge’s refusal to grant a change of venue and for declining to sequester jurors during the trial. He also accused prosecutors of “pervasive, prejudicial prosecutorial misconduct” . Kangaroo courts often fail at following the law to defend the rights of the accused. . . . . . .
If the Judge’s earlier comments carry any weight, the defense may win their motion. If so, expect violent riots to break out across the country.

Facebook has decided to permanently unfriend former President Donald Trump, with the social media behemoth’s Oversight Board announcing Wednesday morning that Trump’s massively popular account, which has been suspended and under review for months, will never be reinstated. However, Trump on Tuesday launched a new online platform to communicate with his followers online after being banned from social media platforms. The new platform, called “From the Desk of Donald J. Trump,” and visible on Trump’s website on the page, is up and running and allows Trump to post comments, photos and videos without censorship.

Liz Cheney’s days as the #3 house republican are numbered according to various sources. Censored by her state of Wyoming, she has become increasing anti-trump and pro-biden and not following the caucus unity.

China -
China has forbidden the Phillippines from fishing in portions of the China Sea. Phillippines has told its fishing fleet to ignore the threat.

Meanwhile, China’s 21 ton booster section is being tracked in a decaying orbit, where it will drop, no body knows and China could care less. It is expected to crash at an unknown location between May 8 and May 12 in the biggest uncontrolled re-entry in decades.

North Korea -
Biden’s recent pseudo SOTU message was taken very harshly but NK leadership and Kim is threatening serious response of some kind.

OBSERVATION - Increasing reporting on Russia now turning its attention to the Baltic countries.
Russia also causing anger by nationalizing citizens in the captured Dombas region of the Ukraine as Russian citizens and issuing Russian passports. Reports of troops departing the border with Ukraine.

Ukraine -
The number of violations in the Dombas region have gone down significantly the past few days.

Israel -
Reports of Israeli airstrikes against targets in the Syrian port city of Latakia and Masyaf overnight. Not the usual target and could mean that Israel was after a high value target. There were secondary explosions clearly visible. Syria claimed one of the targets was a civilian plastic warehouse.

PM Netanyahu’s mandate expires, the President now will decide if he gives it to his rival Yair Lapid or passes it to the Knesset.

Iran -
biden’s diplomacy towards Iran is a dumpster fire. Latest is the report (denied by the WH) that he will free up billions in exchange for the release of hostages. His foreign policy leaders a clearly grossly ignorant of the culture and that showing such weakness only promotes further Iranian aggression.

Afghanistan -
With the US in the process of leaving, China is quickly moving in the fill the vacuum. Afghanistan has trillions of dollars’ worth of natural resources , but so far China has found that the Afghans are too corrupt and unreliable to do business with. Another negative about Afghanistan is that it is a major source of heroin and other drugs that China will not tolerate.

342 posted on 05/05/2021 7:05:22 AM PDT by Godzilla (Never give up, never surrender . . . . . .)
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