The enemies of this country are really pressuring the hell out of him, he needs this rally and needs to know that we the people back him up and support him 100%, what he’s going through right now must be absolute hell.
Look at this crap for example. A “nonpartisan board”? Are they kidding me with this crap? Who the hell are they?
Mr. President Trump,
May I suggest Valley Forge for your first rally?
Turned focks news on for about 2 minuets this morning to check on any changes .... after less than two minuets I was ready to throw a brick through the TV.
Phuck Phocks news. I’m done with them.
Thank You!
Hope he keeps rallies going as they are a breath of fresh air. President Trump was instrumental in giving the American people the highest standard of living in the history of the world and the Dems want Socialism in any form. If Biden replaces President Trump, its over.
Go Trump! This is exactly what is needed.
No choice.
President Trump has to break through media blackout on the truth
Time for spontaneous car rallies.