What I’ve been wondering is what impact that the knowledge of the attempted coup by the DemonRats will have on the economy, stock market etc. once it is widely known. If one was to do a survey of the great unwashed, it would still likely show that only a small percentage of the population know anything at all about it.... the rest are blithely unaware.
This would seem to be a boiling pot with the lid welded down. What happens when massive amounts of on and offshore investors realize the country they’ve believed and invested in has had a coup going on for the past four years and it was an eyelash away from being successful?
“If one was to do a survey of the great unwashed, it would still likely show that only a small percentage of the population know anything at all about it, [agreed]
the rest are blithely unaware.”
[sort of agree, but you have to remember anyone with a 401k or other IRAs, or other investment vehicles such as money markets CDs, excetera... MIGHT have read the inevestment prospectus only to find that those vehicles all invest in stocks. So it makes the common saver diversified without the headaches associated with activly trading. And investments through one or two simplified methods (of which many experts sort of agree that the IRA) is probably the easiest to get into.
“What Ive been wondering is what impact that the knowledge of the attempted coup by the DemonRats will have on the economy, stock market etc. once it is widely known.”
Do you really think that will happen?