I would encourage you to look at the three threads that I have posted using validated data regarding trends. These are my data driven opinions. I am not just pulling numbers out of my rectum.
I would encourage you to look at the three threads that I have posted using validated data regarding trends. These are my data driven opinions. I am not just pulling numbers out of my rectum
OK. I did that. I read your long post from yesterday. So I agree that you have some background in this area. I just dont agree with you on the supposed slowing of the growth in U.S. infection and death rates that you seem to see.
We may be looking at different data sets. Im not paying much attention to how the world is doing for at least a couple of reasons: I believe nothing the Chinese tell us and there is the excellent but unusual performance by South Korea. Both distort the world level data.
I use the Wikipedia articles for the U.S. for my data. Your mileage may vary but that is my source.
The U.S. is currently running infection rates in the 35% to 45% range. 38% yesterday. 49% a few days ago. We have experienced very close to an order of magnitude increase in declared infections in the last week and over a 6-fold increase in fatalities in the same timeframe.
So where do I look to find a slowdown, particularly one that will get us to South Korean infection and death rate levels in the next 4 weeks?
I really dont think you can answer that. The data just doesnt support that view. I wish it did but, with all due respect, I just dont see it.