The left is going nuts trying to figure out a way to demonize President Trump’s handling of the current health crisis. They’ve made a pathetic attempt to play the race card by claiming he’s a racist for calling it the “Chinese Virus”, but nobody’s buying it. He’s closed the borders, and the left doesn’t have a credible argument for keeping them open. The president has been praised for his early and decisive action to ban travel to our country from China. Meanwhile, their presumed presidential nominee Joe Biden, is on record opposing this action. Even Democrat Governors have been praising the president’s efforts. If we are able to come out of this fairly quickly, and the economy rebounds, the Democrats don’t stand a chance in November and they know it.
The next time one of those idiots tell Trump that he is offending and upsetting Chinese Americans, he should answer, Apparently I have more respect for ChineseAmericans than you do. You see, I believe they have the strength and common sense to not be bothered by naming the virus for where it came from. You, on the other hand, believe they are too fragile to handle it.
Watch their heads explode