Since we rarely do anything other than hold the line, they just have to keep trying to move the line - at which point we continue to hold the line (there).
We need to push the other way, keeping more freedom bills in the pipeline. Find _anything_ that’s regulated/prohibited, and introduce bills removing those limits. If we win, we make progress. If we don’t, we tie up their resources fighting not just the line as is, but where we want it moved to - leaving less to get it where they want to go.
Introduce bills for everything good. Legalize silencers as health protection. Tax breaks on first AR15 purchase, and annual ammo purchase, for home & state defense preparedness. Blanket waiver of 922(o) for Selective Service registrants so they can be already familiar & equipped with a personal M4 (!) before a draft. End “gun free zones”; allow CCW anywhere without active checkpoint security. Allow suit against anyone who coerces disarming and subsequently suffers harm. Etc. All good stuff; package & promote it as the benefit it is, and in doing so force the Left to expend resources fighting it - make THEM hold the line, not us.
Let’s not forget universal Constitutional carry, and reforming the Form 4473 and Instant check program so that they can not be used for registration (and ultimately confiscation).
I would have a goal of eliminating Form 4473 entirely. Prior to the Gun Control Act of 1968, one could walk into a gun store, plop down cash, and walk out with a gun without any paperwork or showing of ID. And the streets were safer.