Rule of opposites—whoever says they are working on “election integrity” is working to rig the election.
“Rule of oppositeswhoever says they are working on election integrity is working to rig the election.”
Fast forward to the last few years...and the Dems (US Leftists) do EXACTLY the same thing as the Soviets did.
FWIW, I have stolen an idea first presented to me by one of my father’s cousins in 1994, and made my own rule: “Same Wall, Different Wallpaper.” This came up in the context of that cousin (and his father) getting out of Ukraine, after the whole family (except my grandfather and an older brother of his) being trapped in the USSR for the prior 75 years. When I first met him, I asked him how it was to be done with Communism and to have different leadership. His response was, “Same wall, different wallpaper.” IOW, it doesn’t matter what they call themselves, how they dress, what flag they fly...they are all the same. I have broadened that from those merely running the USSR or Russia to ALL Leftists. Some call themselves “Democratic Socialist,” some “Socialists,” some “Communists,” some “Progressives,” and some “National Socialists” (yes, THOSE guys). They are ALL Leftists, which means that they want to rule over everyone else (of course denying individual rights, because there’s no way better to imprison or kill your opponents than to accuse them of crimes against either the People or the State), and that whatever they say is calculated to obtain, maintain or grow their power. Truth is entirely optional - and is used only if it serves their interests. But the party in power controls everything - whether by direct seizure of the assets (Communists), by stifling taxes and regulations (all Socialists and Progressives) or by dictates regarding hiring and production (the Nazis). They are all the same WRT their goals, and they differ ONLY in the means that they think will work best to accomplish those goals, and in WHO will be on top. It (Leftism) is simply the single most evil and pernicious ideology to ever victimize Mankind, making the sick cults of the Caananites, Babylonians and others in the Bible look like child’s play in comparison.