I have posted all along I dont think Barr will reneg the deal and arrest anyone.
It’s already October. Graham will put on a beltway theater performance once Horowitz releases he report. Then everybody we will be a few weeks from the Holidays. Nothing will happen next year during an election season, obviously.
The IC IG validated the CIA’s spy fake whistleblower document in 14 DAYS. The “Trump” DOJ can’t even tie their own shoes in 14 days. Where there is a will, there is a way. The Deep State has a will to commit treason against POTUS and they have no interest in serving the American people.
One thing I think we need to do is stop using the term Deep State. Those people are just the flunkies of the Corrupt American Oligarchs that actually own this country. Their retarded children get into top schools. Their retarded children get juicy $50,000 a month no show jobs. Their children use enough Cocaine to go in and out of rehab somehow without ever being arrested for possession. The sooner we realize this aint the America we have been led to believe it is the sooner we can fix it.