The question is which of the rats are qualified to do things like box in the Chinese by using trade against them and thus forcing them to release NK to become a modern country that participates in the modern word...and this after shoring up the US to be energy independent and allowing our industry to get going again by ridding us of regulations that were crippling the US economy. And which of the rats would tell Mexico they can either participate in our economy or keep letting people flood into our country? And which of them will support the US economy so minorities will stop being usable as victims...and instead become proud self-sufficient citizens?
There isn’t one rat or one GOPe or one other person in politics who can do what Trump is doing. Most of them don’t have the brains or the courage.
The rats thrive on people’s misery. The GOPe thrives on selling us out. Both of them have come against a brick wall...Donald J Trump.
Now that’s what I call a damn fine post.