You guys are fools to imagine that once your convention starts that it will go as planned. It will, almost from the outset. be taken over by radical hardcore leftists - just as they have taken over the media and the schools while planning to take the rest of it through the courts and redistricting.
You cannot guarantee that conservatives will keep control and not lose the whole shebang to the Marxists. Leftists are all about changing rules through arcane procedures - you won’t know what hit you.
And stop with the “high-minded” virtue signaling. You get no points for that crap.
You did a lot of shaming and complaining in your reply.
Any constructive suggestions how we can return to the “Framer’s Constitution?”
> “It will, almost from the outset. be taken over by radical hardcore leftists ...”
If ‘radical hardcore leftists’ were capable of using Article V for state legislatures to repeal the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution, they would have done it already.
The fact that they haven’t is a clear sign they have no power with Article V.
Your argument is a vacuous rant of ignorance.
I believe that Hostage was justified in his harsh criticism that, "Your argument is a vacuous rant of ignorance," because if you had simply done simple arithmetic you would know that of 99 state legislative bodies any miscarriage of article 5 convention of the states can be stopped by only 13 legislatures from 13 different states. If you done any research you would know that Republicans own the vast majority of those legislative houses.
That is why there has been no Article V movement from the left.
If you have actually done the arithmetic but proceeded anyway, well, the criticism of your post is more than justified.
Now that you know the math, I am sure you will depart from the group of Article V opponents who predictably chant the "vacuous rant" of Phyllis Shafley or the NRA.
Anyone can object on different grounds, perhaps one who likes the idea that the Supreme Court amends the Constitution at will, or likes the idea that the deep state is amending the Constitution nearly everyday in the bowels of regulation-land. But now that you know the arithmetic, you have no excuse for "vacuity".
Never get into a argument of someone who can rightly tell you they are tempted to refuse getting into a battle of wits with an unarmed person...