JUST DO IT, LINDA!! DO IT!! yeah......riiiiiggghht.
A LOT OF TALK with little to no action.... Over sale and under deliver is what to expect from politicans like Graham.
If this had happened in most other countries, then these guys not only would be fired. They would have all their assets seized and sitting in a prison right now. Probably about to face trial.
The fact that McCabe can get on public TV and admit there is an attempted Coup on POTUS, and nothing happens....
This means probably a physical Civil War in the near future Freepers. The Republicans are more worried what the Fake Stream News says than the Democrat party that will probably steal the 2020 election.
Yes President Trump has the support of we the people, but that will not stop the criminals at the DNC from stealing the 2020 election. Then when we are probably under Kamala Harris and Michelle Obama as her VP. Expect a National Emergency to seize all our guns too.
I hope I am wrong, but
What we need to know is whose very bad advice has President Trump been following with some of his appointees. It now seems we were correct to question their loyalty.
Those involved ideally belong in Guantanamo...I don't want them on US soil, I want them secure, and I wouldn't mind the odds they'd face in that environment. The nation no longer exists if "the end justifies the means" prevails.
Blah blah blah. The GOP let the libs walk all over them every time. The worst Miss Lindsey will do is hit Rosenstein with his purse.