So she was in junior high/middle school?
Kavanaugh was born Feb 1965, making him 18-1/2 in 83, a high-school grad, accepted by Yale for the Fall Semester ‘83 session, arriving in the summer of ‘83
2019 Georgetown final exams (probably similar dates for 1983), first 2 weeks of May, commencement May 25 and last day of undergraduate exams May 31 :
2019 Yale (probably similar dates for 1983) First Year pre-orientation commences mid-August for new students, underclass begins a week later:
“no frat houses remained on campus by the time Kavanaugh arrived in fall 1983”
This from a Fox News Article-
“At the time of the alleged incident, Ford was 15 and Kavanaugh was 17, she said, adding that Kavanaugh was drunk.”