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Peter Strzok is a sociopath
Flopping Aces ^ | 07-13-18 | DrJohn

Posted on 07/14/2018 9:58:00 AM PDT by Starman417

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To: Slyfox; bigbob
A thought to give one pause - from what info that I have seen, Strozk was evidently some kind of "fixer", putting out little brushfires, making problems go away. Whether he was following orders from someone else or acting through his own initiative remains to be seen yet he was always present at some critical juncture to make sure that anything that would have broken out and caused issues for Hillary Clinton disappeared. Is it too much to believe that this creature would have been on the short list to be Hillary's new FBI director? Comey is a pencil pushing squish and a ding brain, who would have represented leftover baggage and awkward to keep around. Strozk would have had the appropriate level of aggression and initiative for a high place in a Hillary Clinton regime. Strozk would have been the sort of go-to guy to make problems with political opponents and private citizens "disappear". God truly granted mercy upon us last November.

61 posted on 07/14/2018 11:56:12 AM PDT by lapsus calami (What's that stink? Code Pink ! ! And their buddy Murtha, too!)
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To: Starman417

Not the face of a Public Servant.

62 posted on 07/14/2018 11:57:01 AM PDT by kanawa (Trump Loves a Great Deal)
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To: HiTech RedNeck
A social madness is going on. I’ve not seen such hate since the Civil War.

You can remember that???

63 posted on 07/14/2018 12:00:23 PM PDT by mountn man (The Pleasure You Get From Life, Is Equal To The Attitude You Put Into It)
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To: Starman417

And Trey Gowdy? He should have READ OUT LOUD Strzok’s comments about Trump supporters and replaced the word Trump with “Martin Luther King jr... and ‘trump supporters or base with ‘black community’.

Liberals are NOT capable of empathy so they can’t hear damage being done to ‘the other’. But they would have heard it with one of their own victim groups mentioned. Trey could have ended it by asking ‘would you want this man in charge of a civil rights investigation?’

Here’s the picture of Peter Strzok that shows the snake he really is....

64 posted on 07/14/2018 12:01:47 PM PDT by GOPJ ( STOP
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To: ponygirl
I have no doubts about the infiltration by Communists. It's actually ironic that the same people (largely Democrats and the left) who routinely scoff at any concerns about Communist attempts to subvert our government, are now screaming about the Russians hacking our elections. These are the people who to this day label McCarthy an evil man, and who label attempts to protect ourselves against Communist subversion McCarthyism.

Regarding Strzok’s wife, you may be right. She did land that job at the SEC in 2016, and I'm sure that was totally independent of any connections and influence..

65 posted on 07/14/2018 12:03:54 PM PDT by neverevergiveup
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To: BenLurkin
that face you make when you know you guilty as sin and free as a bird...

66 posted on 07/14/2018 12:04:39 PM PDT by Chode ( WeÂ’re America, Bitch!)
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To: LouisianaJoanof Arc
Make him appear unstable.

Draws all the attention to himself...while the real operators slip into the shadows.

He takes the fall.
Nobody looks for anyone else.

67 posted on 07/14/2018 12:05:51 PM PDT by mountn man (The Pleasure You Get From Life, Is Equal To The Attitude You Put Into It)
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To: bigbob
Who used whom? Perhaps Trump is the biggest user of all.

I've met a lot of people in my life. As such, I'm a pretty good read. But Trump has me aced by orders of magnitude. So, what do you think his initial reaction(s) were being exposed to The Stroke, either directly or indirectly?

I'm thinking Trump is thinking that if there was ever a poster child to a put a public face on the evil nature of those who planned treason against the people of the USA, one would be hard pressed to find anyone more viscerally frightening than Stroke.

On a side note, I'm a bit disappointed we're not already seeing Freddy Krueger type Stroker Halloween masks. I know it's a bit early, but sharp operators usually have hot items out within 48 hours.

Jeez, could you imagine walking into a party with that demonic face? The children would run screaming. And thus, we see how fairy tales develop over the ages. How many psychopaths like Stroke visit their evil on each generation?

68 posted on 07/14/2018 12:12:32 PM PDT by semantic
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To: Starman417

If ever there was evidence that alien shape-shifting lizards are amongst us , this creature of the state is the most obvious candidate for such a thesis that I have seen.

It makes you wonder if he eats live mice?

69 posted on 07/14/2018 12:16:31 PM PDT by headsonpikes (Mass murder and cannibalism are the twin sacraments of socialism - "Who-whom?"-Lenin)
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The problem with sociopaths and psychopaths is that they ignore their consciences. They do stuff that seems crazy to us. But they are fully sane and hard to pin down, unless they run afoul of the law and are caught and sentenced and put away for a long time.

A friend of mine is a psychology professor who teaches one class per semester and has a full-time practice. We talked about this psychopath-sociopath thing and she said that they all tend to fool most people because they are charming and have figured out ways to push their advantage. But when it is all said and done the differences are just a matter of degree which they are still working on to establish. Both sociopaths and psychopaths operate their lives as if they had no conscience.

Think about your car speedometer is on the fritz. You realize that you can drive down the road as fast as you want with no indicator telling you that pedal to the medal just might not be a good idea. If a cop stops you, you can just blame the speedometer not working. That is what it is like for a person who ignores the internal indicator that tells them they are going too fast and they might kill someone.

These people are not really a problem to themselves. However, they are a problem to everyone they come in contact with.

No medication can help them. No counseling can help either. They are a mystery to all. Good thing we have jail cells for when they get truly out of line.

70 posted on 07/14/2018 12:19:06 PM PDT by Slyfox (Not my circus, not my monkeys)
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To: mountn man

Redneck is timeless :-)

71 posted on 07/14/2018 12:19:32 PM PDT by HiTech RedNeck (Tryin' hard to win the No-Bull Prize.)
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To: Slyfox

The conscience voice is from God. The unconscionable voice is from the more or less godless crowd. Strzok may not have dared do this without a crowd to hide in or behind.

72 posted on 07/14/2018 12:23:31 PM PDT by HiTech RedNeck (Tryin' hard to win the No-Bull Prize.)
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To: discostu

The Day I Faced Down The Wicked Cheeto or something like that.

73 posted on 07/14/2018 12:27:10 PM PDT by HiTech RedNeck (Tryin' hard to win the No-Bull Prize.)
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Yours is the best description on here that I’ve read so far.

A sociopath is made. A neglected infancy, early childhood trauma, some failure to bond with a trustworthy adult. Sadly, small degrees of it can come from early parental separation. I’ve seen it manifest in two different varieties: parents taking off for a long vacation at the wrong time in the toddler’s development, shattering his security, and, worse, a child born with heart problems and needing long hospitalizations and surgeries, back when they didn’t let the parent stay 24/7 beside the child.

A sociopath doesn’t, can’t really love. But they can really WANT. There can be degrees of sociopathy. Two good examples are Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Clinton obviously received love as a young child and he does feel things and care about some others. He was abandoned by his sperm donor and step dad, and oversexualized by him mom. While he committed reprehensible crimes, he probably “hated” having to do it or felt guilty after. When he lied to us, he really worked hard to try and get us to believe his lies.

Contrast that with Barack Obama, who experienced utter rejection by both parents very young. He appears so “cool” and if he “doesn’t care” because he was forced to stop caring so very young. So he truly can commit crimes etc with no guilt or moral twinge. When he read lies to us off his beloved prompter, it was obvious to all that he didn’t care we knew they were lies.

Both have sociopathy but Obama’s is a few degrees deeper.

74 posted on 07/14/2018 12:29:50 PM PDT by Yaelle
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To: ponygirl

“The Americans” is anti-communist?? Really? I might give it a watch!

75 posted on 07/14/2018 12:30:35 PM PDT by Yaelle
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To: Yaelle

It’s a difficult thing to grow past — the salvation means and story of God can do it, fighting as it goes against the supernatural hindrances that Christians call the devil.

76 posted on 07/14/2018 12:34:19 PM PDT by HiTech RedNeck (Tryin' hard to win the No-Bull Prize.)
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To: Yaelle

Lives that have found a cynical basis to lean on are so tragically sad.

77 posted on 07/14/2018 12:35:46 PM PDT by HiTech RedNeck (Tryin' hard to win the No-Bull Prize.)
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To: HiTech RedNeck

Yes. You don’t have to be Christian to know evil when you see it. And I believe Gd never makes a situation where any of his Creation is “forced” to choose evil.

However, there are people who are truly incapable of deciding their own behavior, and it is up to US, their families and societies, to protect them, and ourselves from them.

78 posted on 07/14/2018 12:36:26 PM PDT by Yaelle
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To: Yaelle

But anyhow with Strzok he apparently felt like a veritable hero singling out Donald Trump for hate. Hate frames everything else it sees as cynical and hate.

79 posted on 07/14/2018 12:38:45 PM PDT by HiTech RedNeck (Tryin' hard to win the No-Bull Prize.)
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To: Yaelle

Many Christian theologians don’t believe in predestined evil, but in chosen evil that can only be overcome through a long and sometimes agonizing process by faith in divine saving power. And that there is a class of souls who never will accept that power. The choice to hate has to be possible before the choice to love instead is real.

80 posted on 07/14/2018 12:43:39 PM PDT by HiTech RedNeck (Tryin' hard to win the No-Bull Prize.)
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