Are you being deliberately deceptive or merely stupid? A health condition is not a heart attack.
For the THIRD TIME: It is well known that Lee suffered from what is today known as angina pectoris. YOU asserted that Lee had a heart attack during the Gettysburg campaign --something that NO credible scholar of either Lee, the US Civil War, or the Gettysburg battle has ever asserted let alone sourced.
Bottom line woman: You made up some sort of BS that belongs in the realm of conspiracy theory, and when called on it issued insults. Not my problem you can't prove your assertion, but don't expect any serious student of the history of Robert E. Lee, the US Civil War or the Gettysburg Campaign to do anything but laugh at you, just as i am doing now.
And you have proven that you don't belong on a serious history thread. Maybe you should join the other losers in posting cat memes.
i think the CNN comment was actually pretty descriptive. You seem to have quite a bit in common with them.
My! We are having a tempest in a teapot, aren’t we? Let’s change the subject to something you’re more comfortable with: what’s your favorite color?