Silly EU, we have this thing called the 10th amendment, It don’t stop all fussing and feuding but it helps.
You all call yourselves UNITED and decree that nationalism or States rights are verboten.
Stand by chuckleheads, some dickweed in Belgium says the people in Portugal may not make the wine, they may produce the cork, the wine is for france and they say the folks in Greece cant make the wine, the wine is for france.
You can make olives... and Portugal, Spain all bitch “we make wine and grow olives...
We are doing it all in Tx, along with oil, seafood, technology.
Bite me you goofy EU bastards
China just laid a 25% tariff on our seafood.
Does that mean I can buy gulf shrimp at $2.99 LB rather than Asian black tiger shrimp at $6 lb?
I say bring it *****es