County highway departments lost CDL drivers and equipment operators to the oil field.
2ndDiv, you’ve been doing a crucial and critical service for Freepers with your selfless devotion to posting job opportunities.
Just to add a little info, let Freepers know that in addition to great pay, all a Freeper needs to do is show up and they will be given lodging accommodations and free meals in addition to great entry training. This is what I would be doing if I was a young person.
Not only are free meals given, the meals are usually luxury level such as prime steak, lobster, the whole gamut of cuisine that usually lies outside an everyday budget. And these types of meals are served each day!
So if you’re young, and you want cost-free living and great pay to save beaucoup bucks, this is your opportunity!
We would move there in a heartbeat.
“Those jobs aren’t coming back”
-Barack Hussein Obama
Thanks for these (type) postings.
Its great news for the country and I forwarded a job opening for Norfolk Southern to my step-son just 30 minutes ago..He’s looking for a career now.
In fact, as the Dallas News pointed out on Wednesday, the industry is throwing double pay to woo workers away from other industries, such as school bus drivers, police officers, and restaurant personneland everything in between.
Wow - increase the price paid for labor and you increase the supply. Who'da thunk it?
Will all the businesses claiming we "need" foreign workers STFU and open their wallets now?
This is having a drastic effect on trucking in the Midwest too. Lost two drivers to the frackers in Ohio who pay double for “water bottle” haulers to haul water to existing wells. Higher pay and you’re home every night.
$70 oil and they turn the drilled wells back on, and they need lots of water to fracture the seams.
Double pay, that’s great. Who says free markets don’t work?