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To: Fantasywriter


I was living in NYC at the time. The locals were also mighty interested in how this could have happened. I imagine the news reports from big and local media were similar if not identical.

I frankly do not buy the official story. As you know, the msm is prone to lying when it suits their agenda.

Still, I know that I could be 100% wrong.

45 posted on 01/21/2018 6:37:56 PM PST by Paulie (America without Christ is like a Chemistry book without the periodic table.)
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To: Paulie

I too am of a suspicious nature where the MSM is concerned, but I buy the official story in this case. JFK Jr had planned to fly early enough to avoid the hazardous sunset conditions. His wife and her sister were the direct cause of their extremely late departure. Given his limited skills, JFK Jr should have accepted the offer of the instructor to accompany him. But it was a short flight that he had made before, and he thought he could do it.

It was listening to experienced pilots describe what happened that convinced me. The conditions were perfect to derail an inexperienced flyer. JFK Jr’s eyes would have been telling him one thing, while his instruments told him the opposite. He simply did not have the flight time/hours under his belt to enable him to disregard his own eyes in favor of the instruments. He tried to make sense of what his eyes were telling him, and ended up in a graveyard spiral.

48 posted on 01/21/2018 6:51:39 PM PST by Fantasywriter (Any attempt to do forensic work using Internet artifacts is fraught with pitfalls. JoeProbono)
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