being a former Marine mom the Marine questions jumped out at me.
Yahoo question:
President has control over Marine corps?
“Best Answer: The President of the United States can deploy Marines anywhere in the world for 24 hours until congress declares war. If Congress does NOT declare war the Marine Corps has to vacate any country the President has the Marines Deployed. So I guess the answer is yes, But only for 24 hours. Thats why the Marine Corps protects the President and fly the Pres and play tunes for the Pres. The Marine Corps Band is named the Presidents Own. And the Marine Corps is Americas 911 force.
However, does that power include the US? Normally troops can only be deployed overseas, not in the states which are protected by the governor and the National Guard, as far as I know.
Answer: Yes Foreign and Domestic
The Marines are called “The President’s Own” force, and of course they guard the White House.
Ditto Army’s Delta Force.
See response #37. That is an interesting tidbit. Now I wonder how it connects to the National Guard.
One more point...
There is no such thing as a “former” Marine. Therefore, you will always be a Marine mom :)
“Posse Comitadus”
It seems troops can be deployed in this country. The Marines participated in the defense of Washington during the War of 1812.
The site of the Marine Barracks at 8th and I was chosen by Thomas Jefferson because it was marching distance to the Capitol, close enough to protect it.