“Assange is approaching the level of Hillary is being a royal pain in the ass. Trying to stay relevant. If you arent going to release actual information that would convict Hillary, just STFU already.”
Typical keyboard commando talk. He is a political prisoner. And he has exactly one thing keeping him alive and no cops attacking the embassy to take him to Quantico. He needs to play that hand carefully, and make any move he wants with it.
Dude is a hero.
You are absolutely crrect... he is a hero. without him, it’s Madame President. At this point, something needs to be done from this Administration or the Justice Department. Why in the hell wpuld he give up his bargaining chip without getting something. Stop looking a gift horse in the mouth. I, for one, am grateful.
I sometimes wonder if he’s a hero or just a very intelligent person who got themselves in a bit over their head (it happens).
One thing I don’t hear much complaining about is the accuracy of what he releases. From any side.
So I’ll lean towards hero (perhaps unintentionally on his part) as I believe sunlight is a good disinfectant.