My idea is to promote the idea of a national holiday JUST FOR COPS. The public’s appreciation will go way up-then there will be no need. Fear is a great motivator. Too many of you folks are blind to what’s going on. Too many cops are on power trips. As long as it’s the next guy and you folks are not affected you will stay blind until it’s your turn.
Give young people power, especially the power of deciding life and death, or freedom, they may not always know to exercise it properly.
Young people can be intelligent, but they cannot be wise.
Most states allow people at 21 to become cops, some states it used to be 19. 19...think about that.
In an ideal world I would not consider a police officer for employment unless they were 25 and finished a bachelors degree.
Also please consider this DS. Not all police agencies train the same. Some train officers to be very non-confrontational on things like traffic stops, and others just let the cops do pretty much whatever, as long as it does not violate laws and civil rights. There is no law stating that an officer has to be cordial, pleasant or even professional.
Agencies that do not demand degrees have higher instances of use of force, both justified and not, higher levels of complaints, and less commitment to community oriented policing.
National standards would be helpful, but again that most likely put a financial burden on states and agencies and would not be adopted.