These companies end up relocating their long-standing employees from NYC and elsewhere to fill the new positions in Florida, leaving less than 10% of the new positions to be filled by new Florida workers.
And why wouldn’t they? Why would they want to leave their most seasoned employees behind, in exchange for rookies from New York south who can’t even read or write? We’ve seen this very same scenario happen dozens of times down here.
Mortgage processing is pretty low level stuff. Wouldn’t surprise me if many if these jobs are H-1B types. Southside Jax has an exploding foreign national community. They are not coming for the beaches, guaranteed.
Where the hell did you get that from? Consumer mortgage files are some of the most complex packages of documents you could find, subject to state and federal regulations, time constraints, document review, insurance and due diligence hurdles, appraisal nightmares, and disclosure requirements that would make a stock broker look like a piker.