If I got the boot, I would never, ever do it again.
A friend of mine got recently married for the 4th or 5th time. I don’t see how anyone does that.
Triumph of hope over experience.
A friend of mine got divorced a few years ago and you cannot believe the absolute hell on earth he had to go through to see his kids, $225,000 in lawyer fees alone not to mention his wife cleaning him out. His wife is a total psychopath who was accusing him of everything under the sun without a shred of evidence and the Judge was siding with this lunatic. The courts are so bias against men it’s insane.
that dude is insane or a true masochist.
Most feminists are queer. No, they don’t want to marry men.
Sheldon explains how he avoids women
My college GF just married her HS boyfriend. He is her 4th husband.
The only people I know that are getting married are churched people.