Feminists know women’s sexual power is in denying access. That’s why the ‘Campus Rape Crisis’ was created. It’s an attempt to create a taboo to sex via risk of rape accusations. The entire system of Star Chamber Title IX ‘man = guilty’ trials they hold shows it’s political. A drunk woman has sex with a drunk man and he’s guilty of rape.
The goal is to perpetuate the all sex = rape. The details as to how the rape occurs is secondary to the politics.
Well, yes, the man hating feminists do use this to push this part of the agenda.
But its a bigger agenda than just that.
They keep perpetuating the idea that a womans sexual strategy (ie hypergamy) is always superior and better than a man’s. And they have cemented this belief into society even further through radical feminism. The traditional view already pushes this theme anyway, but via feminism it removes the restraints off hypergamy so that women can practice their sexual strategy totally without any restrictions from men, while at the same time binding mens sexual strategy up even more.