I got some coins today, 3/27/2017
how did i do?
gold (s. african krugerrands)
spot $1254.80
1 oz. s.kr = $1286.12
$1286.12 @ 3 = $3858,36
silver (pre 1965 dimes)
90% $88.00 @ 13.54 XFACE
= $1192.52
total purchase, gold and silver = $5049.88
right now hiding in cubbyhole at home.
thinking if TSHTF, it will be very fast, no time to go to safe deposit box (?) so keep at least some in cubbyhole at home (not in gun safe where robbers can get via threatening hostage)
gun safe is mainly for ammo only
may do 2-5 more purchases, same or similar amounts
need: enough to get 3 people from SF bay to vancouver safely if and when TSHTF
estimated cost: $6000/person * 3 persons = $18000