Bingo. How can a democrat fake distance itself
from slavery? Call Republicans racists.
How can a democrat fake distance itself from islamic antisemitism it supports as a back door
to reinstate slavery and jewish genocide by socialists? Start calling Trump antisemitic.
yes, and to continue the point, the D party bosses try to project their own shortcomings and failures onto the R’s...
all the time...
economic failures and the loss of jobs for American workers
almost everything else the D’s screw up, and almost every way that the D’s shaft Americans or any part of America, they immediately try Projecting the Blame onto the R’s
it is the DNC’s MODUS OPERENDI these past 8 years especially
imho, it is both dishonest and DISGUSTING and also...very dysfunctional for our poltiical system and USA as a whole
the D party machine bosses do us all a tremendous disservice