So you can’t back your position.... No surprise there.
Can’t back my position?
How about this.
For decades now, the left has been running rampant through ALL of our institutions and positions of power.
The nice nice people of the “conservative” side have accomplished exactly nothing in slowing them down, let alone stopping them. Not. One. Thing.
That time is over. You can, of course, ignore the situation. Your choice. But there’s been a rather serious sea change recently.
Now, the fight is being fought by people who actually understand that this is a fight. A fight to the knife and the knife to the hilt.
Play time is over. The nice nice types had their chance. They failed. They’re no longer relevant.
The best they can do is try to get in the way of those that are fighting the fight that they, themselves, should be fighting but wont because they can’t even comprehend that this is an actual fight. It’s not a game.
You can have the last word. I’m done.