The local newspaper in Waco investigated and declared it false.
The Central Conference of the Methodist church to which this tiny church in Bosqueville belongs says it's false.
The current pastor of the church says it's a lie.
A member of the church for over 40 years and who hasn't missed a service in 5 years says it's false.
This is another case of "a lie racing around the world before the truth gets out of bed and puts it's pants on."
How about a retraction.
This is the source: and they interview a church member. And it says that Rev. Bill Mac Patterson, the interim pastor, installed ostensibly to take a barometer of how receptive the church might be [to taking in refugees], was reportedly fond of one particular Islamic short story, The Scorpion and the Frog.
And then there’s this that says that 10,000 churches in the UK were volunteered for use as Mosques: and says that Rev. Patterson spent a lot of time tying the Sufi parable to his own ever-present (but Biblically questionable) theme, of helping the oft-forgotten stranger.
Our job is to help the stranger and we are always encouraged that our mission is to focus on the oft forgotten stranger, a phrase Patterson allegedly used periodically to talk about modern immigration concerns. Destruction of the church in the name of fulfilling a command is intellectually disingenuous, the source argues, saying, A lot of churches in Europe have taken people in to sleep on floors and in a weeks time, are mosques, he remarked, expressing his belief that churches are being tenderized to swallow Islamization.
The first source quotes a member of the Methodist church in Waco. And three of the four people I called had heard about it. I simply asked them
1. if they’d heard about it,
2. what they thought about it,
3. what they’d do if their church did such a thing.
There’s no need for a retraction. There are sources claiming that the story is legit and I asked people those questions about it. If it is fake news and didn’t happen, then it’s an example of fake news spreading and people hearing about it for sure. But it wouldn’t surprise me either if it was being denied but still true.