No more federal funding — We are now in control of federal funding.
Libs LOVE the novel “Fahrenheit 451”. Throw it in their faces.
They seem to forget that these sexist miscreants are paying mucho thousands of dollars per annum for the privilege of this abuse. Nothing could please me more than seeing the whole thing crash and burn.
Well, “dream on,” maybe, but it’s close to that!
Obama had made NO BONES about making Big Coal the enemy — “We will bankrupt you”.
That’s honesty.
WHY do we permit federal backing of ETERNAL student loans for fake, scammer degrees with ZERO value..?
Don’t change the law —Trump should just PenAndPhone Fed backed loans for liberal arts scammer degrees out of existance:
1. They enrich liberal Universities
2. They permit political indoctrination of our enemies
3. They enslave the sucker students FOREVER —the loans can’t be discharged via bankruptcy
In many cases the University outright OWNS the collector agencies who chase the students down —is THAT enabling their futures or CHOKING THEM OUT..?
We should be quite as honest as the left about making war upon them:
“The business of the American people CANNOT be delayed via congressional bickering, I’m ordering the Dept of Education to discontinue student loans for sociology, English, and ANYTHING ending in ‘-studies’...”
He should do that on his FIRST day in office, then extend it to cover ALL liberal arts majors for ALL US universities.
They’re the enemy, right? Let’s ACT like it.