The problem is not with “freedom of the press.” The problem is 1) 90% of major / main steam media are owned by 6 corporations, 2) the airwaves are a public good and they are required as a condition of their license to present a balance of different views.
As to item #1, a little research will show that the ownership of these media giants is owned by a particular ethic group, which in case you can’t guess, isn’t white and isn’t Christian. If these media giants WERE owned by Christians, we would endless hear what is known as a “Brandeis brief” analysis, to wit: that their 100% ownership is ipso facto proof of cartel practices and illegal discrimination. But since the shoe is on the other foot, so to speak, the silence is deafening.
As to item #2, in the past two years we have witnessed the news media go all-in as a propaganda organ of the Democrats (Commies) that would make Stalin proud. Even during Vietnam, Cronkite never got that bold. But they broke “cover” during these past two years. The result is that a Trump administration should revoke their broadcast licenses. Further the media cartel should be nationalized (without compensation to the stockholders) and shares distributed to evenly to every citizen. This is essentially what the Soviets did with their major industries when the USSR collapsed.
I think you just made my point.