Secretary of Defense: Retired USMC General James Mattix;
Secretary of Homeland Security: Rudy Giuliani (to Close it down);
Attorney General: Georgetown Law Professor Lee Liberman;
Secretary of Treasury: Mitch Daniels;
Secretary of Energy: Sarah Palin to close it down and then....
Secretary of Interior: Sarah Palin (after closing Energy) and with a mandate to divest federal lands and to drill now and to fight oil company corruption as she did on the Alaska Oil & Gas Commission;
Secretary of Agriculture: (an actual working farmer);
Secretary of Transportation: (someone designated by NASCAR);
Secretary of Health and Human Services: Dr. Ben Carson;
Secretary of Veterans' Affairs: Colonel Alan West;
Secretary of Education: Donald Kagan to close it down and then....;
Chair of National Institute for the Humanities: Donald Kagan;
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Abolish;
Secretary of Labor: Abolish;
Secretary of Commerce: Abolish;
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives: Abolish;
Environmental Protection Agency: Abolish;
White House Chief of Staff: Newt Gingrich