Russia spends a fraction of what we do on its military. Nonetheless, Russia’s military appears to actually be geared towards winning wars. Our military appears to be geared towards the goal of lining the pockets of fat cats. The F35 strikes me as an extreme case of fat-cat pocket-lining technology.
“fat-cat pocket-lining technology”
That is why they are so important.
As for ready? Well Air Force and Marines say they are IOC so send them in and we’ll find out what that means.
We cut a lot of capability to pay for these F-35s. They are what we have now. Best wishes to the pilots and the ground pounders that need them to work.
Russian goals:
Battlefield Superiority
Effective Battle Troops
EMP weapons, 5th gen aircraft
Actually win conflicts/defeat enemies
US goals:
Gays, Trannies safe spaces in military
Women in combat even if lying about capabilities
Ships (LCS) and planes (f35) that do not work
Arming ISIS
Don’t hurt Barry’s muslim jihad brothers