You’re clueless. Watched lot’s of movies and TV about the US Military, right?
Men fragged their officers in Vietnam for even stupider stuff—no one dared bring up mutiny charges.
I served 22 years. I sill hang out at the NCO club. Even visit the O Club from time to time as a guest of my old officer buddies... I can tell you, Obama is HATED by almost everyone. I even ask what they would do if he ordered martial law. One of the pilots already had a bomb run flight plan to the White House (J/K)...
What you say is fantasy. Are you hoping or “itching” for it to happen so you can play Red Dawn?
“Obama is HATED by almost everyone.”
All the way up to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Nearly everyone I talk to who is currently serving calls him a traitor.
Oh yeah...I served 24 years. You’re delusional if you think the troops wouldn’t follow orders.
Hanging around the club is where you hear all the tough talk. There would be no Red Dawn or what other movies you watch.