During his Congressional testimony, Comey indicated he didnt look into Clintons false statements. He said he needed an additional referral or formal request for the FBI to investigate whether she committed perjury under oath to Congress. This makes no sense, said a career agent. It is normal practice that if you came upon evidence of a crime different than the one you were originally investigating, it was fair game.
The Director commented that it wouldnt be fair to charge Clinton for her reckless behavior because no one else had ever been charged by the standard before. I am not aware of any investigation where a government official went to such extreme measures to comb through the government records, said a career FBI professional.
It’s so obvious this was all for show...
It appears to me they made a deal not to record,
DUH the reek of Clinton’s grows the fix is in Obama third term is near.
Really? So much for a personal sense of honor.
Are these the same agents who promised to resign if Hillary wasn’t indicted?
I'VE been "interviewed" by the FBI and there were no recorders and it was all very chummy chummy friendly, only to have it backfire on me.
I think they just like to get information they can use to frame a situation the way they want it to present to a prosecutor for HIM to prosecute .... not the FBI .... they just gather data.
I think that the only reason that the FBI came for their “interview” (it’s not really an interview but the word helps journalists to tell the story).....was just to grin across the table....sip some coffee and exchange pleasant things, then leave.
You can go and do historical analysis over this in twenty find that nothing exists in the folder except the agents who went and their time-card. The rest will be non-existent.
There was somewhere in the region of $4.5 million spent on FBI hours (if the 150 agent story is correct)...from beginning to end. In the end, what? Nothing.
Can you name any individual over the past forty years who held SCI-related material in their house and the discovery was made, and they didn’t face some significant judge activity? Just one single case?
At a minimum....each member of her staff that copied and pasted....needs to permanently lose their security clearance. The people who managed the gimmick of creation for the server? They need to be permanently barred from gov’t employment. Hillary? Loss of the clearance and some type of fine as a minimum, with some type of jail-deal.
Comey phoned it in because the finding was predetermined.
TO me, this article and the lack of a single FBI agent’s resignation over the matter, speaks volumes about the integrity and ethics of the 21st Century FBI.
I once resigned a job over the product we were producing. Nothing illegal but my morals told me, I could not be a part of producing what I considered to be pornagraphic. I would thing FBI agents would have better character and ethics than a blue collar printing pressman.
Guess not.
'nuff said.
Unmentioned in the article but revealed elsewhere - I don’t remember where - Comey was not present at the so-called interview - another oddity; further, without a recording, is there any evidence that the interview as represented actually took place?
Typically its the U.S. Attorneys office, not FBI agents, deciding whether charges will be filed. Director Comey seems to have taken on responsibilities far beyond the FBIs purviewhe assumed the duties of the Agent, US Attorney and Grand Jury.
Here’s my theory. The meeting between Bill Clinton and Lynch was on purpose, so she’d have the excuse to give Comey all those powers.
There is some integrity left.
So much for the promise that if Hillary isn’t indicted there would be a revolt in the F.B.I.
Instead they are anonymous grippers . . .
But see.....those FBI Pros ain’t the ones making the decisions you see.....
The _resident in the White Hut (White Mosque??) is. And sending his toady, Comey, out all squirming like a worm to say the words.
Clinton has not been charged, indicted, or tried whatever, so Double Jeopardy does not exist. Just a thought for the future.
Comey was/is compromised. Simple. I bet the other FBI investigators were threatened with the idea that if Hillary should win, there would be hell to pay.
About time the leaks started coming.
Shar always digs deep